- Disputa conjugal: mulher (84) e homem (82) gravemente feridos
Em uma violenta briga familiar em Colônia, um homem de 82 anos e sua esposa de 84 anos sofreram ferimentos graves. vizinhos relataram ter ouvido gritos de socorro do apartamento do casal pouco depois das 7h30 e acionaram os serviços de emergência, de acordo com a polícia e o escritório do promotor público em Colônia.
both the man and woman were immediately operated on in hospitals. The 84-year-old is currently in critical condition. The husband was arrested at the hospital. Preliminary investigations suggest that the man inflicted multiple stab wounds on his wife's upper body.
However, the man also has cut injuries. Both accused each other of starting the attack first. A homicide unit has taken over the investigation.
Following the operation, the marital dispute between the couple became a focus of the investigation. Despite their accusations, both the man and woman are now under investigation for their roles in the marital dispute that resulted in their injuries.