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What can we expect in the Sunday crime year 2024?

The Sunday crime drama kick-off 2024 was marked by a farewell this time. But what else can fans expect from "Tatort" and "Polizeiruf 110"?

With "Tatort: Avatar", Annalena Schmidt and Peter Espeloer bid farewell to the Lena
With "Tatort: Avatar", Annalena Schmidt and Peter Espeloer bid farewell to the Lena Odenthal "Tatort", in which they played secretary Frau Keller and forensic scientist Peter Becker for

"Tatort" and "Polizeiruf 110" - What can we expect in the Sunday crime year 2024?

In the new year,"Tatort" and "Polizeiruf 110" fans can once again expect more than 45 Sunday crime dramas, interrupted by a summer break during which King Football will once again rule the TV scene. After the New Year's crime thriller "Tatort: Was bleibt" with the tragic farewell of actress Franziska Weisz (43) as Commissioner Julia Grosz in the Falke films, the next six crime thrillers have already been confirmed. Here's what happens in the coming weeks.

January 7: "Tatort: Avatar", Ludwigshafen

And in the next Sunday crime thriller, it's time to say goodbye again. Annalena Schmidt (72) played Mrs. Keller for 25 years, first as the detective's receptionist, then as co-investigator. And actor Peter Espeloer (63) played forensic scientist Peter Becker for 25 years in around 70 "crime scenes". Both characters are taking their well-deserved retirement.

January 14: "Tatort: Pyramide", Cologne

Next on the program is a classic and good Ponzi scheme crime thriller, which is told as a big flashback, so to speak. "In addition to solving a criminal case, we are at least as interested in how the crime came about in the first place. Because the drama lies in the backstory, which exposes the human abyss or the misery and despair that lead to a murder," explain screenwriters Arne Nolting and Jan Martin Scharf.

January 21: "Tatort: Zerrissen", Stuttgart

Screenwriter Sönke Lars Neuwöhner explains what is special about this crime thriller: "We already shifted the focus in our Stuttgart 'Tatort: Der Mann, der lügt' [2018]: away from the question of who the murderer was and towards the question of what it really means to be mistaken for the murderer."

January 28: "Crime Scene: The Curse of Money", Saarland

In the new film from the four-man team from Saarland, the sensible Leo Hölzer (Vladimir Burlakov, 36) reaches his limits this time. "The special thing is that Leo has to shed more and more of his supposed virtues and adopt Adam's [Schürk, Daniel Sträßer, 36] characteristics while he takes on responsibility and suddenly looks after his friend," explains director Christian Theede.

February 4: "Tatort: Das Wunderkind", Munich

This is followed by a prison thriller worth seeing, which was filmed in Landshut Prison. "I was particularly impressed by the reaction of the vast majority of the prisoners, who were not only extremely disciplined, but also a little 'proud' of the filming," reveals Andreas Stoiber, head of the prison facility, to the broadcaster.

February 11: "Tatort: Geisterfahrt", Göttingen

This crime thriller marks another farewell, a farewell to Göttingen as a filming location and a farewell to the Lindholm/Schmitz team. Both Inspector Charlotte Lindholm (Maria Furtwängler, 57), who will return to the LKA in Hanover after six assignments outside the city, and co-investigator Anaïs Schmitz (Florence Kasumba, 47) will remain part of the "Tatort" cosmos.

Kasumba still has a crossover case - "Tatort: Die kälteste Maschine" (2025) - with federal police officer Thorsten Falke (Wotan Wilke Möhring, 56). It is not known whether she will be the long-term replacement for the aforementioned inspector Julia Grosz. But there should be a replacement.

More farewells

The team from Frankfurt am Main, Anna Janneke and Paul Brix, are also set to make their final "Tatort" appearance this year. However, it is not yet known when this will happen. The finale for Wolfram Koch (61) and Margarita Broich (63) has the picturesque title "Es grünt so grün, wenn Frankfurt's Berge blüh'n".

The same applies to actor Rick Okon (34), who will also be saying goodbye to the Dortmund branch this year. His last film will run in spring 2024. Jörg Hartmann (54) and Stefanie Reinsperger (35) will continue to investigate as a duo in their roles of Peter Faber and Rosa Herzog.

It has not yet been determined what "Polizeiruf 110" highlights fans can expect in 2024.

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