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Weight reduction resulting from unexpected events

Multiple users on Instagram have commented that Kate Beckinsale appears to be too thin. In response, Kate stated, "I don't care."

Kate Beckinsale hat mit gesundheitlichen Problemen zu kämpfen.
Kate Beckinsale hat mit gesundheitlichen Problemen zu kämpfen.

Actress Kate Beckinsale is highlighted in this write-up. - Weight reduction resulting from unexpected events

Actress Kate Beckinsale, 50, isn't loving the scrutiny over her body these days. A deleted Instagram clip from May 27th showing her trying on outfits sparked a string of harsh criticisms, with some people saying she's too thin and unattractive. Taking the high road, Beckinsale addressed one of the comments in a chat with the UK's "Mirror" newspaper.

"I was truly sad. I recently saw my stepfather, who was like a second father to me, pass away. That took a toll on me. I'm sorry you find me less appealing. That doesn't bother me in the least," she replied.

Beckinsale then offered an insight into the source of her weight loss. "My mom is going through a challenging time. I'm still adjusting to the thought that two fathers have died - one when I was just five, the other this year. And I lost my cat, my loyal companion, too," she shared.

The emotional turmoil triggered a tear in her esophagus, leading to a six-week hospital stay. Now, the "Pearl Harbor" actress is working on healing and healing her family, yet finds herself dealing with negative comments about her physical appearance. "This is what I want to shed light on - the reasons for my weight loss. How I should look based on other people's opinions, regardless of the circumstances in my personal and family life, is not important to me," she clarified.

Back in January, Beckinsale's stepfather, Roy Battersby, passed away after a brief yet severe illness. She had been taking care of him until his demise. This unfortunate incident rekindled a post-traumatic stress disorder, as her father - Richard Beckinsale - died from a heart attack when she was only five. Kate discovered her dad's body at the time.

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