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Vivienne Jolie-Pitt sheds her father's surname while Shiloh considers leaving home.

Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, shows signs of wanting to separate from her famous father in the spotlight, while Shiloh yearns to reside with him.

Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, die jüngste Tochter von Brad Pitt und Angelina Jolie, scheint sich sehr von...
Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, die jüngste Tochter von Brad Pitt und Angelina Jolie, scheint sich sehr von ihrem Vater distanziert zu haben

Brad Pitt's Offspring - Vivienne Jolie-Pitt sheds her father's surname while Shiloh considers leaving home.

Vivienne Jolie-Pitt resembles her dad, but doesn't want to share his last name. She's collaborating with mom Angelina on a stage play called "The Outsiders." In the play's program, only her mum's surname appears, not the full Jolie-Pitt.

Zahara, her older sister, once made the same move. She introduced herself as 'Zahara Marley Jolie' when joining a sorority at Spelman College, omitting the Pitt surname.

Divorce impact on Vivienne, her siblings, and their names

The reason for the kids choosing a different surname could be due to the ongoing custody battle between their parents, Angelina and Brad. Angelina filed for divorce in September 2016, and a long legal tussle followed with custody issues as a major concern. A source close to Brad said in August 2022: "Ever since Angelina filed for divorce, Brad has worked to maintain a great bond with his kids. It was really tough on him. For a while, he barely saw the children."

Angelina and Brad share six children, but only their eldest biological daughter, Shiloh, is said to have a strong bond with her dad. According to reports from media organizations such as 'Rolling Stone', Shiloh wants to move in with her father after turning 18 on May 27.

Shiloh shares a lot in common with her dad - they both love basketball and enjoy classic movies, for example. Her love for history, art, and architecture is supposedly influenced by Brad. Although both stars reside in LA, not far from each other, the planned move to her dad's place might just be for variety, not because of a strained relationship with Angelina.

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