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Top Violinist Garrett Opposed to Reduced Workweek

"Bleeding" in pursuit of victory

Going on a world tour soon: David Garrett.
Going on a world tour soon: David Garrett.

Top Violinist Garrett Opposed to Reduced Workweek

In Germany, there's ongoing discussion about how work and personal life should be connected. David Garrett, a renowned violinist, believes that dedication is key for success. A four-day workweek doesn't guarantee achievements, he asserts.

David Garrett, a prominent violinist, maintains that a successful career and a work-life balance are incompatible. He shared his stance during an interview, stating "Career-wise, a work-life balance will never set you apart." It may allow for a peaceful life, but success won't come easily with just that. The younger generation, according to Garrett, must undergo this struggle.

The ongoing discourse in Germany debates the balance of work hours and personal life. This discussion covers the adoption of a four-day workweek as well. Younger people appear to prioritize their work-life balance more than previous generations.

Garrett warned: "You can embrace a four-day week in life." However, he cautioned that it won't "bring you anything financially or career-wise." He recommended instead pursuing one's own ambition relentlessly. In his opinion, that's the way to achieve the extraordinary.

Garrett's career exemplifies this approach. From Aachen, he started performing and has now sold millions of records. He's set to launch a new album and world tour in 2023, following months of dedicated work he began in fall 2022. His tenacity paid off.

When reminiscing about his childhood, he described it as "strict. Severely disciplined." He frequently practiced violin until midnight.

"It's a different career path," said the violinist reflecting on his past. "But there won't be someone who can do what I can as quickly." This choice is demanding, challenging, and difficult. "And you need a certain kind of mentality for that. You need to be a true badass."

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