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"This guy is looking forward to life": Horst Lichter is enchanted by the child's bust

The bust of a laughing boy met with divided emotions on "Bares für Rares". While the seller was happy to get rid of it, Horst Lichter was almost enamored.

"The Laughing Boy" is the name of this bust that was auctioned off on "Bares für Rares".
"The Laughing Boy" is the name of this bust that was auctioned off on "Bares für Rares". Horst Lichter thinks it's

"Bares for Rares" - "This guy is looking forward to life": Horst Lichter is enchanted by the child's bust

When Horst Lichter enters the expert room of"Bares für Rares", people are already laughing. "I hear there's a good atmosphere here. Then I can't miss it," shouts the presenter and welcomes his guests. Marcel and Sonja Abels live just around the corner in Jülich and prove to be cheerful Rhineland characters - just the way Lichter likes it.

In the ZDF flea market show, the couple want to sell a bust entitled "The Laughing Boy". It belongs to Sonja Abels' father, who wants to use the proceeds to buy an electric car. His son-in-law has little use for the heavy bronze bust: "It would be nothing to me," says Marcel Abels.

"Bares for rares": Wolfgang Pauritsch is interested

Lichter, on the other hand, is very impressed: "He really looks like he's having fun!" he says. "The guy, he's enjoying life." Bianca Berding agrees: "He's in a really good mood," says the expert. The bust is based on an old model: It comes from the Renaissance artist Desiderio da Settignano, who developed a new form of sculpture in the 15th century that was intended to appeal to children in particular. This bronze replica dates from the late 19th century. The Abels would like to have 1000 euros as their asking price. Berding is even hoping for more: she estimates the value at 1100 to 1300 euros.

The Austrian Wolfgang Pauritsch starts the auction with 200 euros - after all, the original is in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Walter "Waldi" Lehnertz, Elke Velten-Tönnies and Jos van Katwijk are also bidding. But they did not raise more than 600 euros. Marcel Abels, however, insists on 800 euros. Pauritsch meets him at 700 euros, and in the end they come to an amicable agreement of 750 euros.

This is lower than the desired price. But at least Sonja Abels' father gets money - and Marcel has the bust out of sight.

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