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"The Unhappy Infant" wins online admiration

Intense baby born in Ohio

According to the photographer, the little one didn't feel uncomfortable - he seems to look like...
According to the photographer, the little one didn't feel uncomfortable - he seems to look like this most of the time.

"The Unhappy Infant" wins online admiration

After seven days of life, a little boy in the United States underwent a professional photoshoot with a photographer, but his attitude toward it was clearly not one of excitement. This child's intense facial expression captivated not only his parents but also numerous others around the world.

The photographer, Lauren Carson, had been capturing newborns for a full ten years and had never seen an expression like this before. She shared the photos of the incredibly dour-looking boy on social media, as she usually did. These photos of the "cute" little "boy" spread quickly and were viewed millions of times, and they were shared and commented on tens of thousands of times. Several American news outlets also reported on the photographer from Cincinnati, Ohio.

Many newborns appear to be unenthusiastic about this world, based on their facial expressions at first. However, this may just be an illusion in this instance. The baby may appear grumpy, but he's actually a snuggly, adorable critter, Carson clarified on Facebook. Based on the comments from users, she wasn't the only one smitten by the little grump - many others were as well. People described the photos and baby as "beautiful."

It's hard to fathom the tremendous amount of attention Carson has since received. Since the publication, she has been deluged with requests for more projects. The family of the "Grumpy Baby" is also astonished by the outpouring of support from the public.

Carson stated that it wasn't the fabric wrapping the baby that made him furrow his brow so suspiciously. The baby could have easily wriggled free of the stretchy fabric, but he chose not to. No, he wasn't uncomfortable, assured the mother of three. This was just his standard facial expression, so to speak.

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