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The Pochers peacefully united: Instagram photo seems to convey harmony - or not?

Their youngest son's birthday brought them together: Oliver Pocher posted a photo on Instagram showing him together with Amira. However, it is no proof of the couple's good relationship.

Amira and Oliver Pocher celebrated their youngest son's third birthday together on
Amira and Oliver Pocher celebrated their youngest son's third birthday together on

Amira and Oliver Pocher - The Pochers peacefully united: Instagram photo seems to convey harmony - or not?

The good news first: no one was harmed during the Pochers' reunion. And that's despite the fact that Amira is holding a knife in her hand in the photo that her husband Oliver Pocher posted on Instagram. "Cake cutting at the children's birthday party survived," commented the comedian on the first photo of the separated couple together after a long time.

The occasion for the marriage reunion is the birthday of their youngest son, who turned three on Wednesday. As reported by Bild newspaper, Pocher only arrived from Miami on Wednesday morning - together with his ex-wife Sandy Meyer-Wölden and their three children. According to the report, Amira's brother Hima picked up the group from Frankfurt airport.

Oliver Pocher can't let it go

Despite the drawn knife, the picture seems to convey the impression of family harmony. Both spouses are laughing, appear relaxed, their hands are even touching. But Pocher couldn't resist adding a double distancing effect. Firstly, he captioned the picture in his Insta story with the Fugees hit "Killing Me Softly".

The distancing resulting from the next video that he built into his story is much nastier. In the clip, Pocher can be seen in his latest parody as the "fortune cookie guru". "Hello you horny people out there," he says, "I like to touch down there."

With his role as "Dalaikarma", Oliver Pocher is alluding to Biyon Kattilathu. The comedian seems to believe that the life coach and his still-wife are a couple. Although both have had such rumors denied by lawyers, Pocher is not giving up on the subject. "Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not quite finished with the event yet," said Pocher some time ago in an interview with RTL's Frauke Ludowig.

From January, he will be going on tour with his program "Der Liebeskasper". In it, he will presumably once again crack many jokes at the expense of his ex and the supposed rival. Amira may be holding the knife in the photo now posted - but Oliver is wielding the sharper sword.

Source:; "Bild" newspaper

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