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SWR summer festival sees controversy with Pocher's presence

Injurious unveilings

Jokes at the expense of the audience: Oliver Pocher criticized.
Jokes at the expense of the audience: Oliver Pocher criticized.

SWR summer festival sees controversy with Pocher's presence

During the SWR summer party, comedian Oliver Pocher asked an audience member personal questions without her consent and later shared a video of the encounter on Instagram. The broadcaster, who initially invited Pocher, has since distanced itself from the incident.

Pocher appeared at the public broadcaster's event in Stuttgart during the Whitsun weekend. In his 45-minute show, he asked if anyone in the audience was single. A woman from Nürtingen responded. This is when he started bombarding her with intrusive questions. He asked if she had ever had sex, to which she replied negatively. He then probed further with more degrading inquiries. Additionally, he mentioned her employer, which she willingly divulged. Throughout the rest of his performance, Pocher continued to bring up the woman, calling her a "sugar snail" and hinting at her virginity.

After the show, the woman expressed her distress to an SWR employee, asking them not to broadcast the footage. The employee allegedly assured her that the recordings were only meant for the on-site screen and would not be aired. However, Pocher shared these videos on Instagram, where millions of his followers could view them.

Public responses to the show were overwhelmingly negative. Many viewers found Pocher's performance inappropriate and offensive. "It's embarrassing to always make fun of others. I feel awful for the woman from Nürtingen who had to endure that. Pocher should take down the video to protect her," one user commented. "The station was asked not to broadcast it, which it promised. Only Pocher then presumably posted the video on Instagram in protest. That's a clear indication of his bad character!" another user added. "Disgraceful, Mr. Pocher! Some things are simply not okay."

SWR has responded to the controversy. "There's no room for hurtful exposures in a public service program," the statement reads. The event was meant to serve an audience that isn't well catered to, but this particular attempt was a resounding failure, the broadcaster lamented.

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Despite the controversy, Oliver Pocher continues to be a prominent figure in the German comedy scene, often providing entertainment through his controversial antics. However, the incident at the SWR summer festival has sparked discussions about the boundaries of comedic freedom and respect for audience members.




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