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Spicy face-to-face in Monaco: Heidi Klum runs into ex-partner, and daughter Leni gets introduced to her dad.

Heidi Klum's mixed family appears to be functional. At the Formula 1 race in Monaco, she and daughter Leni encountered Leni's father, Flavio Briatore.

Leni and Heidi Klum meet Leni's father Flavio Briatore in Monaco
Leni and Heidi Klum meet Leni's father Flavio Briatore in Monaco

F1 Racing Competition - Spicy face-to-face in Monaco: Heidi Klum runs into ex-partner, and daughter Leni gets introduced to her dad.

Heidi Klum recently provided a glimpse into her visit to the Formula 1 race in Monaco on May 26, showing off a family gathering on Instagram. The grand prix was a family reunion for the model, featuring a picture of herself grinning at the camera with her daughter Leni Klum, her ex-partner Flavio Briatore, and their children.

Leni's father, Flavio Briatore, and his ex-wife Elisabetta Gregoraci also joined in the festivities. The multi-faceted family looked to be in high spirits in Monaco. Klum demonstrated their happy vibes a day prior with a video clip on social media, displaying her beaming as she lightly grips Flavio Briatore's hand while casually dressed.

Heidi Klum's Relationship with Flavio Briatore Improves

Heidi Klum and Flavio Briatore were together briefly in 2003. Their relationship ended during Klum's pregnancy with Leni. Afterward, their bond allegedly remained strained for several years. In 2009, Seal—then married to Klum—adopted Leni with Briatore's approval. In 2011, Briatore confided in Bild newspaper that he had never seen his daughter.

Recently, however, the family dynamics have shifted, and they occasionally come together, like in Monaco. In August, Leni shared a photo with her half-brother Nathan on Instagram where they both flash warm smiles.

Since her romance with Flavio Briatore, Klum tied the knot with musician Seal. They had three kids of their own, and she later wed Tokio Hotel star Tom Kaulitz in 2019.

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Caption: Heidi Klum shares photos from Formula 1 race in Monaco with ex-partner Flavio Briatore and their kids

Key Themes: Heidi Klum, Flavio Briatore, family, reunion, Formula 1 race, Monaco

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