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Son Chet posts rare photo with the star

Chet Hanks, one of Hollywood star Tom Hanks' sons, has published a rare picture with his father.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson with their son Chet at the Golden Globe Awards in
Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson with their son Chet at the Golden Globe Awards in

Tom Hanks - Son Chet posts rare photo with the star

Chet Hanks (33) shows his more than 535,000 followers on Instagram a very special picture. The musician and actor poses with his father, Hollywood star Tom Hanks (67), for a new snapshot.

The two have apparently made themselves comfortable in a kind of hut in the photo. Tom Hanks is wearing a green coat and a black cap, his son a black hoodie and a baseball cap. He simply comments on the whole thing with a "gang".

No more Insta pictures with dad Tom

The Hollywood star is not otherwise represented on his son's Instagram account. It is currently the only picture of the two of them together. However, Chet Hanks did show himself with his mother, Rita Wilson (67), back in May. "Love you, mom," he declared on Mother's Day, among other things.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have been married since 1988. In addition to Chet, they also have their son Truman, who has just celebrated his 28th birthday. Hanks' previous marriage to Samantha Lewes also produced his son Colin (46) and his daughter Elizabeth (41).

"Fame is a double-edged sword," Chet Hanks explained in a YouTube video at the beginning of 2022. "There are a lot of benefits, but sometimes it can be pretty weird," he said in the clip. "I've been able to do a lot of cool things that a lot of people don't have the opportunity to do."

But the flip side is that fame can also create "jealousy" and "envy". For him, it was even more complicated as he wasn't even famous himself: "I was just the son of someone who was famous, so I hadn't even done anything to deserve any kind of recognition, and that caused a lot of contempt." In his school days, others had formed an opinion of him "before they even had the chance to get to know me, and it was extremely difficult to break through those walls".

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