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Silbereisen, sex and ratings disasters

Vip Vip, hooray!

Flirting with the captain (Florian Silbereisen): Vacation flirt Veronika (Wanda Perdelwitz)
Flirting with the captain (Florian Silbereisen): Vacation flirt Veronika (Wanda Perdelwitz). Meanwhile, the "Traumschiff" crew captain (Daniel Morgenroth) is concerned about the course of the cult

Silbereisen, sex and ratings disasters

On New Year's Day, "Das Traumschiff" sets sail for the 100th time. The anniversary episode also features a novelty: there is sex on board and the captain can be seen "virtually naked". But the criticism doesn't stop there. Behind the scenes, things are said to be seething. About the cult steamer, which - with announcement - is sinking into a ratings slump.

The whole family is sitting in the living room, the cat is hanging in the Christmas tree and the TV is on. Mother has fetched small chocolate cups from the kitchen, which are about to be filled with eggnog, and it's not clear whether Grandma has gone to the hairdresser for the Christmas holidays or for Sascha Hehn. It's some year in the late 1980s and in a few minutes "Das Traumschiff" with Sascha Hehn as smart chief steward Viktor Burger will be on ZDF.

Of course, nobody remembers the many stories over the years. They were all kind of similar anyway, and basically you don't mind being entertained a little and dreaming of distant, white sandy beaches where, with a bit of luck, you might bump into "Viktor".

"Das Traumschiff", invented by TV producer Wolfgang Rademann, who died in 2016, sets sail for the 100th time on New Year's Day. The German newspaper "Bild" writes that the anniversary episode will be "a real blast". Because Captain Max Parger (Florian Silbereisen) has sex! Holla, the forest fairy! What passionate storylines!

In the New Year's episode, he receives a vacation flirt in his cabin "outrageously lightly clothed" and warns the beautiful lady that she is "practically naked". By dreamboat standards, such lewdness is like the internet was for Angela Merkel: "uncharted territory".

Switch off your brain and let yourself be sprinkled

Dear readers, in the last VIP column of the old year, I would like to talk to you about this cult format, because hardly a week goes by without "Das Traumschiff" being criticized, if not completely torn apart, by the media and viewers. I have also written TV reviews of individual episodes on one occasion or another, focusing primarily on the sometimes outrageous stories and dialog, which has even led to former crew members contacting me to talk about their experiences. After all, it's common knowledge that the TV steamer has been on the rocks for years.

But I was told that there was no point in criticizing "Das Traumschiff". Because the people in charge wouldn't read such reviews anyway. But the criticism has been coming from former and current cast members for a long time. And it often refers to the fact that more and more influencers and C-list celebrities are traveling on the steamship.

No one seems to be interested in the fact that such roles, some of which are tailor-made, particularly infuriate those who are real actors and who now feel like they are talking to a wall. Astrid Ebenführer from the "Standard" writes about the 99th episode in the "TV Diary": "Escapism with a nonsense story and a bit of relationship gossip, a bit of slapstick, a bit of scenery and a bit of drama. (...) A coolly calculated ratings gesture, of course: switch off your brain and let yourself (...) be sprinkled."

"There's a lot going on behind the scenes"

But now it really looks as if those responsible can no longer simply tilt the windows down when criticism comes pouring in. And from all sides! Because, as also writes, "things are boiling over behind the scenes". Many former Traumschiff stars, including Heide Keller, who died in 2021 and played the chief hostess Beatrice for more than 35 years, criticized the decisions to have influencers appear in the series. Over and over again.

Even TV satirist Harald Schmidt, who plays cruise director Oskar Schifferle on the Traumschiff, has already teased "the well-dressed talking dolls" and scripts that are "completely gaga". "Traumschiff" crew captain Daniel Morgenroth, however, seems to have literally had it with the amateur actors. In an interview with "Bunte", he said: "I find it very, very, very critical when someone who can't do the job actually plays a leading role. (...) That's where the fun really stops! This person, this influencer, who doesn't need the money, takes the work away from an actress or an actor - and makes the product much worse to boot. And I think that's beneath everyone. That's not acceptable at all."

But why does a broadcaster financed by television, which unlike private broadcasters is not dependent on ratings, constantly resort to influencers? Like many other critics, Morgenroth says that it is "of course about ratings": "The hope is that the influencers and co. will then advertise on their channels and that the target group can be expanded."

Actress Katerina Jacob said in an interview with the German press agency: "How can it be that a format like 'Traumschiff' is being run into the ground like this? Its creator Wolfgang Rademann is spinning in his grave without end. It used to be the crème de la crème of German drama. And now it's influencers, presenters and models. Just because they want to make ratings. And it doesn't achieve anything. It brings zero."

"The worst episode since ZDF has been around"

Cathy Hummels even appeared on the "Traumschiff" recently. And "the Pochers" are in the 100th episode. Morgenroth is not the only one for whom this kind of casting simply doesn't work. They not only ruin the profession, but also the format. Over the years, "Das Traumschiff" has developed into a prime example of entertainment that is just as questionable as the costs that are swallowed up by the sea for a single episode like Titanic.

The crude stories presented in this so-called "family series" not only often seem like a bland rehash of stereotypes and clichés, they are. The muddled scripts and dialogues, which have been criticized for years not only by crew members, regularly reach a level that can at best be described as banal. For example, the "Berliner Kurier" ran the following headline about the Christmas broadcast: "Das Traumschiff" sinks: "The worst episode since ZDF has existed".

Of course, the series follows the same pattern: light fare, simple plots, beautiful scenery. But the former lucky formula for high viewing figures is not only outdated, it is now also bringing viewers to the barricades. More and more are switching off "the tired ripple" or not tuning in at all. In the Christmas episode, Kai Pflaume was particularly irritating with a guest appearance as an American sheriff. Viewers commented on the presenter's acting performance: "It's getting sillier and sillier." And further: "Nobody can take this seriously."

Will the 100th episode perhaps finally mark the long-awaited turning point? Because ZDF will have to take the many criticisms about the quality of its production and the use of license fee money to heart at some point! The fact that Silbereisen has sex with his vacation flirt Veronika in his cabin may be a novelty in the series, but even that won't stop viewers from tuning in. There are so many fresh and new ideas for the cult format. But they remain unheard because they are unwilling to deviate from the old course. Straight onto the iceberg: "Full speed ahead!"

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