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She wants to show a "new side" in her memoirs

Writing her memoirs was at times "heartbreaking and emotional" for Rebel Wilson, says the actress.

Rebel Wilson publishes her memoirs "Rebel Rising" in April
Rebel Wilson publishes her memoirs "Rebel Rising" in April

Rebel Wilson - She wants to show a "new side" in her memoirs

Rebel Wilson (43) wants to publish her memoirs soon. Although the book has already been written, it is not due to be published until next April. In a recent Instagram story, the Australian actress talks about how she felt while writing it - and at least hints at what fans can expect.

"And yes, this is how I spend the nights of my Christmas vacation," Wilson says in a clip in which she signs pages of her book. "I'm just a couple thousand short for the first people to buy the book." The actress and comedian, who became internationally famous for the comedy "Bride Alert" and the "Pitch Perfect" films, among others, can hardly wait for her fans to finally get to read her memoirs.

Emotional time for Rebel Wilson

"You're going to see a whole new side of me," Wilson promises her followers. The memoir will cover "a lot of funny things, but also serious things". "And hopefully you'll love the book as much as I loved writing it - even if it was heartbreaking and emotional at times," the 43-year-old continues.

In October, Wilson revealed to the US magazine "People" that she had been working on "Rebel Rising" for around a year and a half: "It was this secret thing that I did on my own for 18 months. It's so exciting that it's finished now." She had underestimated how much work it is to write a book about your own life.

"Rebel Rising" will be published by Simon & Schuster on April 2, 2024. According to the actress, it will cover topics such as "weight gain and loss, sexuality, fertility issues, overcoming shyness, rejection, etc.". She also has "a few juicy celebrity things thrown in".

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