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She had her mother killed - now Gypsy-Rose Blanchard could make a career for herself

After eight years in prison, Gypsy-Rose Blanchard is back on the loose. In 2015, she instigated her internet boyfriend to kill her mother, who had abused her for years. Blanchard is celebrated by fans - and she has a great career ahead of her.

Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome - She had her mother killed - now Gypsy-Rose Blanchard could make a career for herself

The hype surrounding true crime cases shows no sign of abating. One of the most famous is that of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who was convicted of the murder of her own mother Dee Dee in 2016. "The Bitch is dead", Blanchard wrote on Facebook in June 2015 after her boyfriend Nicholas Godejohn, whom she had met online, killed her own mother with 17 stab wounds. Blanchard and Godejohn were both behind the murder, although he ultimately committed the crime. Godejohn was sentenced to life imprisonment, Gypsy-Rose to ten years. After eight of them, she has now been released - and is being celebrated online.

Gypsy-Rose Blanchard is free

It wasn't long before she started posting on several social media platforms. Gypsy-Rose knows how to keep her fans up to date. Six million people follow her on Instagram, and even more on TikTok. That's a considerable number when you consider that Gypsy-Rose spent years behind Swedish curtains.

On the one hand, this is the reason for Blanchard's crime. Blanchard was physically and emotionally abused by her mother Dee Dee for almost her entire childhood and youth. Dee Dee claimed that her daughter suffered from a variety of illnesses, including leukemia, asthma, epilepsy and muscular dystrophy. She left her daughter in a wheelchair, shaved her bald and gave her strong medication that she didn't need and that rotted her teeth. Because she convinced friends and acquaintances to care for her seriously ill daughter, many people were willing to donate money to her.

In fact, Gypsy-Rose was not ill at all, but Dee Dee was. In medicine, this is known as "Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome", a mental illness that caused Dee Dee to make her own daughter ill. If Gypsy-Rose's doctors became suspicious, Dee Dee immediately switched practices. As she also taught her daughter at home, there were no teachers who could have intervened.

Gypsy-Rose incited Nicholas Godejohn to murder

When Gypsy-Rose was already 19 years old, her mother told everyone that her daughter was only 14, but Gypsy-Rose became more independent and realized more and more that she was actually physically well. She could even walk, although her mother had always said the opposite. When Dee Dee was in bed, she used the internet more and more often. She got talking to Godejohn on a Christian dating site. The two chatted for a long time and met up two years later.

"Me and Nick were talking one night and he said he would do anything to protect me. And I asked him, 'Anything?' and he said, 'Yes'. 'Anything from who?" I asked, "Yes". 'Even my mother?" I asked. And he said, 'Yes'," Gypsy-Rose reported in a documentary for which she was interviewed in hospital.

On the fateful evening of June 14, 2015, she opened the door for her internet boyfriend herself and hid in the bathroom on his instructions. As Godejohn stabbed her mother, she heard her scream. "And at that point, I wanted to help her so badly, but I was afraid to get up. It's like my body wouldn't move. Then everything went silent," she told ABC News a few years ago. Blanchard and Godejohn then partied at a motel and were arrested just one day later.

In 2016, Blanchard was convicted of second-degree murder for inciting Godejohn to commit murder. Several documentaries dealt with the case, and actress Joey King played Blanchard in an HBO production. Blanchard became famous - and the expressions of solidarity from her fans grew louder and louder. A petition called for Blanchard to be released from prison.

Internet hype surrounding Blanchard

The young woman now seems to be taking advantage of this hype herself. The 32-year-old generated more than six million likes with her first selfie after her release. Since then, she has added photos with her husband, whom she met when he contacted her while she was in prison, as well as photos with other family members. She will also tell her story in a new documentary "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard" on the US channel "Lifetime". She is already busy promoting herself on Instagram. Her rapid online growth and Blanchard's willingness to talk about her past could bring her a successful career.

And her fans are passionately supporting her. Blanchard is the true victim of the tragic murder case, her mother the perpetrator - many true crime fans have been convinced of this for years. And that's how they treat the young woman. A short New Year's greeting from Blanchard has already been viewed over 60 million times on TikTok. "I'm back home in Louisiana enjoying a beautiful day outdoors," she says in a TikTok clip. "I have a lot of great things happening soon. My documentary series 'The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard' is coming out. I just put out an e-book that I'm very proud of," Blanchard said.

Gypsy-Rose could be spilling the beans on one of the most famous and talked-about true-crime cases of the past decade - especially in the U.S. People have become famous for far less.

Source: " ABC NEWS" / "HuffPost" / Instagram

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