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Royal palace rejects early June comeback.

Kate won't participate in a rehearsal for the Trooping the Color military parade. Meanwhile, the palace provides information about Charles.

Princess Kate: No return to the public eye for the time being.
Princess Kate: No return to the public eye for the time being.

Kate, the Princess, faces cancer. - Royal palace rejects early June comeback.

The 42-year-old Princess Kate won't come back to the public scene anytime soon as she's receiving treatment for cancer. The palace told Daily Mail that she won't be involved in the dress rehearsal for Trooping the Colour, which was a possible speculation for her presence on June 8th. Kate was set to be the top-ranking royal for the rehearsal in her role as "Colonel of the Irish Guards."

Come June 15th, the Buckingham Palace disclosed that King Charles III, 75, will be visiting the main event. He'll be participating in the birthday celebration parade with his wife, Queen Camilla, 76, in a carriage. The Trooping the Colour event happens on June 15th, and last year, King Charles III, who is also battling cancer, attended the ceremony on his horse. However, this year, he's changing his plans to ride in a carriage following doctors' recommendations. Queen Elizabeth II, who died, attended the event in a carriage starting 1987 due to her age. After the military parade, the high-ranking members of the royal family usually come out on the Buckingham Palace balcony to inspire the crowd.

No clear timeline for Kate's return

King Charles III made a comeback to public life last month after it was revealed in February that he had an unspecified type of cancer. And in March, Princess Kate disclosed that she too had cancer, prompting her to undergo "preventative chemotherapy."

Since then, Princess Kate hasn't attended any events. The exact date for Kate, the bride of Prince William, 41, to return to the public eye remains a mystery.

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