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Possible disqualification for Netherlands?

Fresh twist in the Eurovision Song Contest

He was still there - Joost Klein at the start of the first dress rehearsal for the ESC final.
He was still there - Joost Klein at the start of the first dress rehearsal for the ESC final.

Possible disqualification for Netherlands?

Joost Klein, who's representing the Netherlands in the Eurovision Song Contest, has become a top contender with his Gaga-inspired song "Europapa." However, he was left out of the first dress rehearsal for the final round of the competition. Initially, officials only told the press about an incident involving Klein that's being looked into.

There's been no shortage of trouble with this year's Eurovision Song Contest. Protests over Israel's participation are ongoing, and now there may be more political drama with the Dutch entry.

At the first dress rehearsal in the Malmö Arena on Friday, everyone seemed ready to go: Participants from 26 countries walked together in a flag parade, including Joost Klein. But then, something went wrong. Instead of him appearing in fifth place, he was skipped.

The European Broadcasting Union, who organizes the event, released a cryptic statement later in the day. “We’re currently investigating an incident that has been reported to us involving the Dutch artist. He won’t be continuing to rehearse until further notice,” they said. No more details were given at the time.

During Thursday's press conference for the artists who qualified for the grand final, Klein reportedly heckled the Israeli contestant, Eden Golan. Video and photos also caught him pulling a scarf over his head while she spoke. But "Aftonbladet," a Swedish newspaper, says that wasn't the reason for his exclusion from the rehearsal. The fact that he was present at the parade at the beginning of the rehearsal suggests his absence must've happened during the actual dress rehearsal.

Joost Klein has experience in singing. In 2023, his collaboration with comedian Otto and rapper Ski Aggu called "Friesenjung" topped the charts in Germany.

This contest is special because it has three dress rehearsals before the live TV broadcasts. The first rehearsal is for press members; the second and third are for paying audiences. Being removed from one of these is highly unusual and could signal a possible disqualification. More details will be out after the second dress rehearsal, which will happen on Friday night.

When the Israeli Eden Golan (2nd from right) spoke, Klein wrapped herself in a scarf.

Read also:

The European Broadcasting Union's investigation into an incident involving Joost Klein could lead to his disqualification from the Eurovision Song Contest, as being removed from a dress rehearsal is highly unusual and rarely occurs. Despite his top contender status with the Gaga-inspired song "Europapa," Klein's absence from the second dress rehearsal raises concerns about his participation in the TV event, which is known for its focus on music and entertainment, including the Eurovision Song Contest.




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