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Pocher's mom isn't especially affectionate.

Strained connections

Oliver Pocher doesn't celebrate Mother's Day - for good reason.
Oliver Pocher doesn't celebrate Mother's Day - for good reason.

Pocher's mom isn't especially affectionate.

"Celebrating Mother's Day: A Tough Conversation for Oliver Pocher" is the title of the recent episode of the podcast "Die Pochers! Freshly Recycled!". In this installment, Oliver Pocher's ex-wife Alessandra Meyer-Wölden probes her ex for more details about his mom. A topic that usually doesn't leave Pocher speechless but this time, he's hesitant to delve in. "Is this a problematic subject for you?" she enquires after a deep breath.

"My mom just doesn't have much warmth," is his eventual response. Growing up, Pocher's life was dictated by the stringent regulations of Jehovah's Witnesses, the religious community of which his parents were a part. This sect entails a set of rigorous guidelines that include abstaining from celebrating occasions like birthdays, Christmas, and presently, Mother's Day. Having left the faith at 18, Pocher considers himself an atheist.

Pocher reflects on the irony of his upbringing in the podcast, joking about the benefits of his mother's no-nonsense approach. "I'm grateful to my mom for making me attend the Jehovah's Witness meeting with her three times a week. For dragging me door-to-door twice a week in all weathers. Anyone who's spent a decade standing at a pedestrian zone with a 'watchtower' owes their mom a big 'thank you.' But she only wants me to go to paradise," the comedian quips.

It's not all negative though; from his perspective, Pocher believes that his mother's tough, uncompromising nature has had a positive impact on him. "That slightly more difficult, cooler way of being also had some good aspects. This has made me more robust and equipped me to handle certain situations better."

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Alessandra "Sandy" Meyer-Wölden recounts her initial dealings with Jutta, Pocher's mom, as a little difficult due to Jutta's one-of-a-kind character. "She always thinks she's right. It's not her fault that she knows everything better," Pocher describes his mom's personality. "That trait seems to have been passed down," hints Meyer-Wölden playfully.

It appears that the legacy of religious adherence, strict routines, and unwaveringly strong convictions permeated the Pocher family, shaping not only Oliver but also his mother's interactions with others.

Read also:

"Despite growing up in a household guided by strict Jehovah's Witnesses regulations, which forbade celebrations like Mother's Day, Oliver Pocher's own choice of religion is now aligned with atheism."

"Alessandra Meyer-Wölden, highlighting the similarities in their upbringing, humorously comments, 'It seems that Oliver's no-nonsense approach and unwavering convictions, much like his mother's, are traits inherited from their shared religious background.'"




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