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One is already excessive.

"A farmer is searching for a foreign spouse"

Cocoa farmer Andreas from Guatemala with Elke.
Cocoa farmer Andreas from Guatemala with Elke.

One is already excessive.

In Guatemala, Andreas struggles with his internal turmoil. At Peter's home in Austria, there are activities involving wet tongues in the evenings. Ulrike in Brazil faces her first doubts. In the picturesque countryside of passionate hearts, happiness and sorrow develop at the same rate.

On the international love farms, things are gradually heating up for some candidates. Before the end of the farm week, the determined farm owners need to make their final decision (temporarily). For cocoa farmer Andreas from Guatemala, an overwhelming wall of emotions is building up. The 63-year-old farm owner feels torn between Elke and Petra. "I can't and don't want to decide yet!" Andreas shares. The sad and defeated women waiting for his decision are unsatisfied with his indecision - a situation that Elke can no longer accept. The 63-year-old decides to step aside and allow the women to get to know each other better: "I'll clear the room and give you the opportunity to get to know each other better."

Elke's sudden departure isn't the only challenge for the confused Andreas. Petra is also having doubts. Using petting and a physical touch, Andreas attempts to convince her: "Look into my eyes and feel my hand. That's how you recognize the truth!" The farmer tries his hand at being a love poet - but only for a moment.

Farmer Peter in Austria is also planting seeds of impatience. Farm woman Alisa demands to feel like the only one. After a hearty pan feast for lunch, Peter takes his two women aside and makes a choice. Undertaker Stephanie is unsuccessful in winning Peter's heart. The clever goth lady takes it in stride and bids farewell to Alisa, who "redeems" her farmer two hours later. All it takes is a quick wink from Peter and Alisa's tongue is down the farmer's throat. There seems to be nothing standing in the way of a happy, pink future.

At Philipp's in Togo and Gerfried's in Styria, the farmyard ladies fight for every minute. At riding instructor Gerfried's, 31-year-old Angelika pushes herself and disregards the losses into the spotlight. Nicole, who is almost twenty years older, opposes this with resentful glances. But at the end of the first day, Gerfried only has eyes for the young Austrian with the pouty lips.

In Togo, yoga teacher Susanne is pushing herself more and more into the limelight.

A few thousand kilometers further south, the reserved Caro is craving attention. The much more brazen Susanne impresses Philipp not only with her unconventional bathroom routines on site, but also by eating fried giant snails. Caro, who is too animal-loving ("I'd rather have a plate without snails"), can't quite keep up.

On Madeira, farm lady Sarah does not have any competition to fear - and yet her mission for love happiness isn't going as smoothly as planned. The obstacle in the gears that isn't turning is called Markus. The 40-year-old singing bowl expert receives only "friendly vibes," which means that at the end of the day, the waterfall excursion is accompanied by awkward silence. Farmer Fritz has not issued any statements so far. Following two "baskets" and a "family-related exit," the Swiss man who resides in France now wants to try his luck with 35-year-old Julia from Hesse. Over Camembert and white wine, the reserved farmer sends out his first flirtatious signals: "I'm a good listener!" reveals Fritz. Julia smiles for the first time.

"I feel like my head is going to explode!"

In beautiful Brazil, there are many smiles for organic farmer Ulrike. Her Bavarian farm boy has many reasons to smile. When Heiko switches into flirt mode, Ulrike cannot resist. But the tide changes during the laid-back mango harvest. Ulrike reaches her emotional limits and becomes increasingly emotional. The widow doesn't know what to do with her feelings: "I feel like my head is going to explode!" Ulrike cries in front of the camera. The 57-year-old farmer states, "I don't know if I'm ready for all of this yet. But I also know that my husband who is up there wouldn't want me to be alone." So much struggle and so much happiness side by side. Just like real life.

Organic farmer Ulrike has her first doubts.

Read also:

In the world of international love farms, RTL and RTLplus are broadcasting Andreas' story, as he grapples with his feelings for Elke and Petra. With RTLplus preparing to launch a new show titled 'Farmer Seeks Wife', Andreas finds solace in the fact that he's not the only farmer navigating complex emotions.


