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Nicole Kidman broke a door during filming.

She was somewhat enraged.

She has already appeared in two seasons of "Big Little Lies": Nicole Kidman.
She has already appeared in two seasons of "Big Little Lies": Nicole Kidman.

Nicole Kidman broke a door during filming.

Filming can sometimes be a challenging experience, especially for series productions where stars often have to deliver top-notch performances after long working days. Nicole Kidman knows this firsthand, as she encountered this while working on "Big Little Lies." During one instance, her headband even snapped.

"Big Little Lies," an HBO series that tells the story of women coping with traumatic experiences, was released in 2017. In this production, Kidman played the lead character Celeste Wright. In a roundtable discussion hosted by "The Hollywood Reporter," the actress now opens up about the tremendous emotional stress she experienced during filming.

"I once threw a stone through a door because it was 'locked and I couldn't get in,'" admitted Kidman. "Apparently, I had a lot bottled up. I had blown it all up." She explained the following day on set that she was "somehow angry." This pent-up emotion was also linked to the usual schedule of series productions. Since the show had to continue, there was always pressure on the cast and crew: "We'd show up for work and work, work, work. And at the end of filming, there were six months of 12- or 14-hour days. There was no time to take care of yourself."

Kidman also mentioned the impact of the production "Expats," which premiered on Prime Video in 2024, on her mental health. Filming for Lulu Wang's series was "very hard on the psyche," leading her to do a comedy after that - "because I had gone crazy with my own psychology."

"Big Little Lies" had two seasons and starred Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Shailene Woodley, Laura Dern, and Zoë Kravitz. The show was released in 2017 and 2019. There are rumors of a third season, with Kidman confirming it towards the end of last year. However, an official confirmation is yet to be made.

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