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Nearly finished Stegosaurus fossil up for sale, yet not all are content with it.

The most complete and highly preserved Stegosaurus skeleton known to date is anticipated to garner up to $6 million at an upcoming auction during the summer, but not everyone is ecstatic about it.

There were no signs of injury on the specimen but there was evidence of arthritis, which suggests...
There were no signs of injury on the specimen but there was evidence of arthritis, which suggests the dinosaur lived to an advanced age.

Nearly finished Stegosaurus fossil up for sale, yet not all are content with it.

A remarkable and almost complete dinosaur fossil measuring 11 feet tall and 20 feet long is designated for sale as part of Sotheby's Geek Week. The busybodies in the paleontology field have voiced their concerns about the auctioning of such exceptional pieces to private individuals, preaching that such finds deserve to be maintained in museums or public spaces.

Despite these objections, the July 17 sale of this 150-million-year-old fossil in New York will carry on.

Sotheby's proclaimed in a press statement that "Apex," their beloved moniker for this specimen, is the finest specimen of Stegosaurus to ever hit the market. It is anticipated to fetch between $4 million and $6 million, thereby labeling it as one of the most coveted dinosaur fossils ever available for purchase.

The Stegosaurus, a grazing dinosaur known for its miniscule head, an array of bony plates in its back, and an orange-tipped tail, is renowned for its distinctive appearance.

A daring commercial paleontologist named Jason Cooper was responsible for unearthing Apex on his land in Colorado, and Sotheby's disclosed that they were involved in the process from the get-go. They collaborated closely with Cooper to document each step of the unearthing, restoration process, and display aspects, ensuring maximum transparency.

But not everyone agrees.

Steve Brusatte, a reputable professor of paleontology and evolution at Scotland's University of Edinburgh, considers Apex an "important dinosaur fossil" majorly due to the scarcity of Stegosaurus specimens compared to more popular ones like T. rex and Triceratops.

He argued that such a precious fossil should not be tucked away inside a wealthy individual's abode.

"If what the auction house is saying is true, and what I'm looking at in these images is authentic, then this skeleton should be housed in a museum, where its preservation, analysis, and exhibition for the public would be ensured. It's a tragic turn of events when a fossil of immense educational value simply vanishes into the clutches of another multi-millionaire," Brusatte said in an email to CNN on Thursday.

The fossil, nicknamed Apex, was discovered by a commercial paleontologist on his private land in Colorado.

"Apex" was excavated from the Morrison Formation in Colorado's Moffat County - a location that would look ideal on a kids' dinosaur poster - in May 2022. The process took over a year to finish, and the Stegosaurus displayed no indications of previous injuries or combat wounds. In fact, it suggested that it had grown old with grace, without a scratch on it.

Apex gifted the highest bidder with a copy of its 3D scans along with permission to use the 3D data in any way they liked. According to Sotheby's, this allowed crucial details about the dinosaur to remain with the skeleton, fostering research and educational advancements.

However, Brusatte argued that these pursuits would thrive better if the fossil were possessed by an institution with a fervent interest in dinosaurs.

"I wish that the person who is successful in buying this fossil would be open-minded enough to donate it to a museum where its preservation and contribution to science would be paramount. It would be such a prestigious accomplishment; think of how many children's wonder will be ignited by your prehistoric treasure showcased for the public to marvel at," Brusatte mused.

The Natural History Museum in London already houses "Sophie," a rather similar fossil, but Apex is a hefty 30% larger, as declared by Sotheby's.

Cassandra Hatton, Sotheby's global head of science and popular culture, characterized Apex as "a top-notch fossil of this kind, arguably one of the best ever unearthed." Fossil lovers will have the chance to have a peek at Apex during a complimentary exposition of select items going under the hammer at Sotheby's New York galleries.

Sotheby's take on enthralling Natural History auctions includes the sale of an ancient Gorgosaurus skeleton for a little over $6 million - also in 2022 - in addition to the record-breaking sale of "Maximus," the very first freestanding T. rex skull in December 2022.

The world shattered in 2020 when Stan, the most complete specimen of T. rex in existence, was bought for an astronomical $31.8 million at Christie's. But to everyone's relief, Stan made a reappearance in March as the centerpiece of a future museum of natural history set to open in 2025 in Abu Dhabi, with the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism.

There were no signs of injury on the specimen but there was evidence of arthritis, which suggests the dinosaur lived to an advanced age.

Read also:

The style and presentation of the Stegosaurus fossil auction by Sotheby's has been criticized by some in the paleontology field, who believe that such remarkable finds should be displayed in museums or public spaces rather than sold to private individuals.

Despite arguments for keeping the Stegosaurus in a museum, Steve Brusatte, a noted professor of paleontology, believes that the sale of the fossil to a private individual could stimulate interest in dinosaurs and potentially lead to its eventual donation to a museum.




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