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Music performers allege mistreatment by Cologne's general music chief.

Allegedly explicit text messages?

Conductor François-Xavier Roth has been General Music Director of the City of Cologne since 2015.
Conductor François-Xavier Roth has been General Music Director of the City of Cologne since 2015.

Music performers allege mistreatment by Cologne's general music chief.

François-Xavier Roth has become embroiled in controversy after allegations arose that he sent inappropriate text messages to musicians. A law firm is currently investigating these accusations against the music director of Cologne. Roth himself expressed remorse to anyone he "may have offended."

In the wake of claims of staff sexual harassment, François-Xavier Roth, the conductor for Cologne's Gürzenich Orchestra, has temporarily suspended his work duties. Stefan Englert, Managing Director of the Gürzenich Orchestra, made the announcement, stating, "François-Xavier Roth has chose to suspend his work with immediate effect in order to allow the Gürzenich Orchestra and Cologne Opera the chance to clarify and address the situation."

Alexander Vogel, spokesperson for Cologne's non-partisan mayor Henriette Reker, verified the information in Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger that Roth read a statement during a recent rehearsal. This statement read: "Due to the release of a news article pointing out that I have sent inappropriate text messages to musicians in the past, the orchestras I lead will be extensively investigating the behavior cited and collecting information on the allegations. I have decided to stop conducting the Gürzenich Orchestra temporarily in order to permit a peaceful investigation of these matters. I apologize to anyone I may have offended."

Investigated by Independent Law Firm

A report in the French newspaper "Le Canard enchainé" disclosed that a separate law firm was employed to enquire into the allegations and potentially take legal action if required. Roth is accused of sending crude text messages to musicians.

François-Xavier Roth has served as the General Music Director of the city of Cologne since 2015. Before that, he led the SWR Symphony Orchestra in Baden-Baden and Freiburg. SWR is also planning an inquiry into the accusations.

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