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Mosquitoes interrupt a photo session.

If you desire beauty, endure hardship: Aurora Ramazzotti collected souvenirs from her recent photoshoot that were not adored.

Aurora Ramazzotti nimmt ihre Fans auf Instagram durch ihren Alltag mit.
Aurora Ramazzotti nimmt ihre Fans auf Instagram durch ihren Alltag mit.

Aurora Ramazzotti in the spotlight - Mosquitoes interrupt a photo session.

Aurora Ramazzotti (27) recently posted cute couple pictures with her boyfriend, Goffredo Cerza (28), on Instagram. In the pics, she's hanging out in the garden with him while wearing just a bikini. But there's a little trade-off - they got over 30 mosquito bites each on their heads! She mentioned this in the photo's caption.

In the last photo of the series, she included a selfie where you can clearly see a mosquito bite in the middle of her forehead. Ramazzotti joked about being hit with "geometrical precision." She also shared an image of Cerza's ripped-up back in her Instagram story.

The Photographer is her 9-Year-Old Half-Brother

In the pictures, you can't tell that they were bitten by mosquitos. Her half-brother, Gabrio (9), took the shots. He and his sister, Raffaela (12), are the kids of their dad, Eros Ramazzotti (60), and his ex-wife, Marica Pellegrinelli (36). Aurora also has two other half-sisters, Sole (10) and Celeste (9), from her mom's relationship with her ex-husband, Tomaso Trussardi (41).

Aurora posts about her daily life on social media, where her 2.6 million followers can see what she's up to with her partner and their baby, Cesare (1). She shares funny videos and outfit choices, too. She even shows her connection with her younger siblings through photos and texts on Instagram.

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Credits: @auroraramazzotti

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Michelle Hunziker, a close friend of Aurora Ramazzotti, commented on the couple's mosquito-bitten photo, expressing her amusement. The photo shoot, overseen by Aurora's 9-year-old half-brother, Goffredo Cerza's brother Goffredo Cerza Jr., yielded a souvenir in the form of numerous mosquito bites. Aurora's partner, Aurora Ramazzotti's brother Goffredo Cerza, also shared photos from the shoot on his Instagram, showcasing his extensive mosquito bites as well. The couple's baby, Cesare, was luckily spared from the mosquito invasion during the photo session.




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