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Mosquitoes assault Aurora Ramazzotti.

Romantic Photo Leads to Over 30 Stitches

Ist jetzt blutleer: Aurora Ramazotti.
Ist jetzt blutleer: Aurora Ramazotti.

Mosquitoes assault Aurora Ramazzotti.

To capture that perfect picture, Aurora Ramazzotti is willing to make numerous sacrifices. In her recent photo shoot with her boyfriend, Goffredo Cerza, Aurora didn't just bring home amazing memories, she also took home some unwanted souvenirs.

Aurora shared adorable couple photos with her partner on Instagram, where she's seen wrapped in Goffredo's arms in a picturesque garden, donning a bikini. However, obtaining these beautiful images came at a price. In the caption, she wrote, "These lovely pics of my brother Gabrio cost us around 30 mosquito bites each."

She ended the series with a selfie, showcasing a noticeable bite mark right in the middle of her forehead. Aurora joked about the mosquito onslaught, saying, "A special thanks to those who targeted me so precisely in the middle of my forehead." In her Instagram story, she also posted a photo of the bite marks on Goffredo's back.

The Unknown Photographer

In the pictures, there are no signs of the mosquito infestation at that time. The person behind the lens must have been Aurora's nine-year-old half-brother, Gabrio, as there's no sign of Gabrio in the images. Aurora and Gabrio are the children of her father, Eros Ramazzotti, with his ex-wife Marica Pellegrinelli. Additionally, she has two other half-sisters, Sole and Celeste, from her mother's marriage to her ex-husband Tomaso Trussardi.

Aurora Ramazzotti frequently shares her day-to-day life with her 2.6 million Instagram followers. She shares photos of her partner, their son Cesare, funny videos, and even showcases her sense of style. She also often displays her close bond with her little siblings with images and messages on social media.

Last year in March, Aurora made her mother, Michelle Hunziker, a grandmother for the first time. Despite the 19-year age difference, Hunziker wasn't bothered by the situation. She was overjoyed about her new role and told the Italian daily newspaper "Corriere della Sera": "I'm proud of being able to be a young grandmother, since I can take my grandson with me and enjoy all sorts of activities, and I still have a lot of energy." She described experiencing her daughter's childbirth as "almost like a fourth pregnancy."

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Aurora's Instagram posts often feature entertainment-filled content, such as photos with her partner and funny videos. During their recent beach vacation, Michelle Hunziker, Aurora's mother, enjoyed her new role as a young grandmother.




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