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"Men? I don't want them, I don't need them"

Reigning jungle queen Djamila Rowe is no longer in the mood for men and sex. She no longer has a hunting instinct.

Djamila Rowe is tired of men and
Djamila Rowe is tired of men and

Jungle queen Djamila Rowe - "Men? I don't want them, I don't need them"

She is the reigning jungle queen and naturally won over a few men's hearts with her refreshing style on the RTL show "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!" in January 2023. But in an interview with the Bild newspaper, reality TV star Djamila Rowe (56) has now issued a clear rejection to all her suitors. Although the mum-of-two is still single, she doesn't want any of the men who message her on social media every day: "No. I don't meet up with any men." She doesn't need or want a new partner.

In general, she no longer has "sex" and doesn't miss it: "I no longer have a physical need for it, either with a man or a woman." She no longer has a"hunting instinct". You wouldn't find her on dating platforms like Tinder either. However, she is not sad about this state of affairs, it gives her more of an "inner peace": "I have lived out my life in a wide variety of colors in the past. I've had a fulfilling love life and I'm satisfied." However, she is done with sex and men.

Djamila Rowe only misses intimate hugs

She still goes out with men, but they are all people from her circle of acquaintances and friends, not potential life partners: "It's not something like friendship plus a little sex. I don't do that, I'm past that age." The only thing she misses is someone giving her a big hug. "There are moments when I miss that or just need it. And then there's just no one there," says Rowe.

She is generally a person who doesn't like to show herself vulnerable. She always comes across as self-confident, strong and serene, but of course that's not always the case. Make-up artist Djamila Rowe first took part in a TV format on the ProSieben reality show "Die Alm" in 2004. This was followed by appearances on "Big Brother", "Adam sucht Eva" and "We are Family!", among others. In 2023, she took part in the jungle camp and was surprisingly crowned jungle queen by the viewers at the end.

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