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Meeting with Oliver: Amira Pocher talks about the moment when the mood could have tipped over

Oliver Pocher has already talked about his meeting with his still-wife Amira Pocher in his podcast. Now the presenter herself has told us how it came about and how the day went.

Amira Pocher wants to reconcile with Oliver Pocher for the sake of her
Amira Pocher wants to reconcile with Oliver Pocher for the sake of her

"Stupid gag" - Meeting with Oliver: Amira Pocher talks about the moment when the mood could have tipped over

The Pochers use their respective podcasts to regularly discuss their separation. While Oliver Pocher runs the podcast with ex-wife Sandy Meyer-Wölden, his still-wife Amira has taken her brother Hima as her partner. In the new episode of their format "Liebes Leben", the siblings also talk about a meeting with Oliver Pocher that took place a few days ago.

Amira Pocher and her brother talk about meeting Oliver Pocher

"Our little one turned three. And of course I invited Olli there too," explains the presenter, while her brother says that he had his doubts. "To be honest, we were all a bit skeptical at the beginning as to whether it would work out at all in this constellation," says Hima, who still lives in the comedian's house after his sister and brother-in-law separated. The two men get on well.

One problem was that Sandy Meyer-Wölden was also to be invited along with her children and Oliver Pocher. The constellation gave her a headache because she also had "negative feelings" towards Meyer-Wölden. In the past, Amira had endeavored to create a harmonious patchwork family. "We want to be sitting at the same table again in a year or two at the latest," said Hima about the tense situation between the adults. "The children's birthday party was the first step. It was a really good step," says Amira Pocher. She also reveals that it was only emotional when they said goodbye. However, she keeps details about the reason to herself.

Joke backfires

Despite the overall harmonious mood, the siblings reveal that the mood could have changed. "We're still talking about Olli. There was one really, really stupid comment. Luckily nobody laughed at this stupid joke," says Amira. The rest of the guests "looked at the floor", her brother reveals. Neither of them want to say which gag was made. Oliver Pocher has been making fun of online guru Biyon Kattilathu on Instagram and on stage for weeks. And this despite the fact that both Kattilathu and Amira Pocher have repeatedly denied a relationship between each other.

Apparently, the joke did nothing to dampen the general harmony. Because the newlyweds also celebrated New Year's Eve together afterwards.

Source: "Liebes Leben" on Podimo

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Amira Pocher mentions her brother Hima as her podcast partner, replacing her brother-in-law Oliver Pocher in the show "Liebes Leben" with Sandy Meyer-Wölden. Despite their initial skepticism, the siblings and Oliver Pocher managed to have a successful meeting, which included Sandy Meyer-Wölden and her children. However, Amira shares that there was a moment when the mood could have turned sour due to a "really stupid comment" made by Oliver, which was met with silence from the other guests.




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