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Köster desires to cross a lawn once more.

"One of my desires"

Köster sitzt seit ihrem Schlaganfall im Rollstuhl.
Köster sitzt seit ihrem Schlaganfall im Rollstuhl.

Köster desires to cross a lawn once more.

Gaby Köster, a disabled TV actress, shares her biggest wish in a recent interview with "Bunte". Despite her wheelchair dependency as a result of a stroke, she finds solace in her spiritual beliefs. She aspires to walk across a meadow one day, stating, "It would be one of my wishes." This desire is strengthened by her connection to spiritualism. Previously unengaged, this stroke led her to explore various spiritual practices like healing stones, tarot cards, Aura Soma, and chakra treatments.

The release of her new book, "My Energy Transition," is planned for early June. While not promoting esotericism, she attests to its value in making life easier and deepening life satisfaction. While acknowledging the importance of modern medical care for her current lifestyle, she remains hopeful that spirituality might bring further health improvements. "I'm happy within my capabilities," she says, stressing that she's not resigning to her situation but keeps hoping for potential health improvements, "maybe one day I'll be able to walk again."

Köster first gained prominence through TV shows such as "RTL Samstag Nacht", "7 Tage, 7 Köpfe", and "Ritas Welt." Post-stroke, she penned "A Cold Would Have Been Enough - My Second Chance" in 2011 and narrated it for a film adaptation. Despite these obstacles, Gaby Köster made her first public appearance in the same year.

Read also:

In her upcoming book, "My Energy Transition," Gaby Köster discusses the benefits of spiritual practices, even though she relies on modern medical care for her current lifestyle. Despite her wheelchair dependency and the stroke that caused it, Gaby continues to watch her favorite TV shows, finding entertainment in their stories, often from the comfort of her home.


