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Kim Kardashian Faces Test

Thomas Gottschalk marks a significant moment on Instagram while joking about Kim Kardashian.

Thomas Gottschalk jagt Kim Kardashian.
Thomas Gottschalk jagt Kim Kardashian.

Thomas Gottschalk - German TV host - Kim Kardashian Faces Test

Thomas Gottschalk turns 74 and happily announces on Instagram that he's reached 100,000 followers! He shares a photo of himself with the caption, "I now have 100,000 followers."

Is Thomas Gottschalk still relevant in the world of social media influencers? Despite not attempting to keep up with the younger generation's stars, he's still making a mark.

Thomas Gottschalk takes a dig at Kim Kardashian

In a funny post, Gottschalk jokes about catching up with Kim Kardashian, a famous reality star. "I see why Kim Kardashian has been looking so pale lately! I'm right behind her!" he writes. "In 100 years, there will be 30 million people, in 1000 years there will be 300, and in 1500 years, I'll have surpassed her completely... almost."

While his numbers may seem small compared to Kim Kardashian's 362 million Instagram followers, Gottschalk beats the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo (628 million) and Lionel Messi (502 million). But even the top German celebrity, footballer Toni Kroos, has 45 million followers, leaving Gottschalk in the shadows. For now. 1


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