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Kerstin, 57: "There's so much mold in my apartment that my grandson is no longer allowed to visit me"

Kerstin Dreier complains of a persistent cough and cold, and there is mold in her apartment. Her grandson is currently not allowed to visit her so that he doesn't get sick too.

Kerstin Dreier fights against mold in her
Kerstin Dreier fights against mold in her

Apartment wanted - Moving stories - Kerstin, 57: "There's so much mold in my apartment that my grandson is no longer allowed to visit me"

It was almost three years ago that Kerstin Dreier, 57, discovered mold in her two-room apartment. At first it was only in one corner of her bedroom, then it grew further and further down until just above her bed.

A black mold pattern now adorns large parts of the wall and is in the process of spreading to a second area. Dreier can no longer use her bedroom and spends her nights on the sofa in the living room instead.

Only her clothes are still stored there; the first sweaters and pants have now developed mildew stains and most of them smell musty. Kerstin Dreier has to sort a lot of things out.

She is particularly hard hit by the fact that her grandson, 3, is no longer allowed to visit her. The mother is worried that the little boy might inhale the mold spores and develop asthma.

Kerstin Dreier feels helpless. She informed her landlord right at the beginning. They discovered that the problem was caused by the leaking roof. Her neighbors also complained about mould. But nothing was fixed. She tried mold remover herself, but the infestation is stubborn.

In the meantime, the retail saleswoman complains of a persistent cough and cold. She constantly feels tired and exhausted. Her daughter recently said to her: "Mom, you were always so fit and never sick. She also showed the family doctor photos of the mold: She just shook her head and advised her to move

Instead of continuing to hope for the landlord, Kerstin Dreier is now looking for a place to live in the Osnabrück area herself. But so far she has had no luck. Many landlords don't get back to her and she has hardly been invited to viewings. Nevertheless, Kerstin Dreier tries to stay positive and meditates.

Next, she wants to place an ad in the regional newspaper and hopes that someone will get in touch with her to offer her an apartment. Because things can't go on like this.

Are you also looking for a new apartment and want to tell your moving story, anonymously if you like? Do you have any criticism, suggestions or requests for the series? Write an e-mail to the author at: [email protected]

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