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Kelly Clarkson is using weight loss medication, however, not Ozempic.

Kelly Clarkson disclosed that she's using a weight loss aid, unlike the one generally assumed.

Kelly Clarkson on February 4
Kelly Clarkson on February 4

Kelly Clarkson is using weight loss medication, however, not Ozempic.

During a recent chat with Whoopi Goldberg on "The Kelly Clarkson Show," the discussion turned to weight management when Clarkson remarked on how youthful Goldberg appears.

"You're like Benjamin Button," Clarkson observed. "Every time you enter the room, it's mind-blowing!"

Goldberg attributed her new look to weight loss, stating, "I've lost almost two whole people."

She continued, "I'm receiving this fantastic injection that assists individuals in losing weight. It's been very beneficial for me."

Clarkson too has lost a significant amount of weight, with the assistance of medication. "My medication isn't what people think it is," she disclosed. "I had to rely on it because my bloodwork was deteriorating so badly."

Her physician had been encouraging her to undergo treatment for two years, but she was hesitant at first. "My doctor kept prodding me for two years, but I was apprehensive since I already had thyroid issues," Clarkson revealed. "Everyone assumes it's Ozempic, but it's not."

The topic of weight loss through medication has become a popular subject in the entertainment world, with stars like Oprah Winfrey and others sharing their experiences.

In an earlier interview, Clarkson explained that her prescription aids her body in processing sugar more effectively. In January, she attributed her improved health to increased walking after relocating to New York and other lifestyle changes.

"I consume a nutritious balance of food. I lost weight because I've been paying attention to my doctor's advice - something I had neglected for a period," she admitted. "I'm a Texas girl, so I enjoy eating meat. Apologies to all vegetarians worldwide!"

Read also:

After sharing her weight loss journey, Kelly Clarkson mentioned that the entertainment world has been discussing weight loss through medication, with celebrities like Oprah Winfrey speaking openly about their experiences.

Furthermore, despite popular belief, Kelly Clarkson's weight loss journey involves a different medication than Ozempic.


