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Issues surrounding Meghan and Harry's Foundation

"Archewell" Faces Payment Default

Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry are stressed about their "Archewell" organization.
Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry are stressed about their "Archewell" organization.

Issues surrounding Meghan and Harry's Foundation

Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess, reportedly failed to renew the license for their charitable organization, Archewell. There's a possibility that this could lead to serious consequences, even shutting down the organization completely.

As per a report in "People" magazine, Rob Bonta, the Attorney General of California, sent a warning letter to the Archewell Foundation on May 3rd, representing the Registry of Charities and Fundraisers. The letter, which was obtained by the Journal, disclosed that the organization was considered delinquent for not submitting the annual reports and renewal fees on time.

The letter mentioned that an organization categorized as delinquent can't participate in activities that need registration, including raising or spending funds for charitable purposes. It also mentioned that the organization might face penalties and its registration could be suspended or terminated by the Registry.

What happened to the check?

The Archewell Foundation was established by Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess, in 2020 after they stepped down from their royal duties. However, they seem to be facing financial issues already after just two years. It has been claimed that the foundation is not transparent about its donations.

According to a source close to the foundation, Archewell is said to have submitted the papers on time, but a check they sent through the mail was not received. The foundation only became aware of the issue when the notice of insolvency had already been issued. They assert that a new check was promptly sent. The Archewell Foundation now anticipates that the issue will be solved within the next seven working days.

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