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Gathering of relatives to celebrate a member's birthday.

Iris Klein, a reality TV personality, marked her 57th birthday by throwing a party with her family, friends, and neighbors.

Iris Klein hat am 26. Mai Geburtstag.
Iris Klein hat am 26. Mai Geburtstag.

Iris Klein: Another Version of the Story - Gathering of relatives to celebrate a member's birthday.

Iris Klein cherished her 57th birthday with a backyard bash in Worms on May 26th. Attending the afternoon celebration on Sunday were her daughters Jenny Frankhauser (31) and Daniela Katzenberger (37). The Wahl-Mallorquinerin had her husband Lucas Cordalis (56) in tow, as well as a team of camera operators eager to capture their festivities.

Long-Ago Quarrels Seem to Fade Away

There's been occasional family discord lately, notably, a significant period of silence between Daniela Katzenberger and her half-sister Jenny Frankhauser. This, however, appeared to have passed as the trio exuded joy and unity around Iris. The ladies graciously posed for photos and videos they shared on their Instagram accounts. For example, Daniela shared a clip of them busting a move together. Jenny, new mother to baby Milan born that March, remarked humorously about a group photo: "The Kardashians got their inspiration from Wish. Happy Birthday, Mama. May your wishes come true!"

Iris Klein was presumably delighted with her celebratory, upwardly mobile garden party, shared among family, friends, and locals—outfitted with a DJ, cocktail bar, and karaoke. Mother-daughter duo Daniela Katzenberger and Lucas Cordalis sung a duet live, while Iris herself joined in with her son-in-law. "Awesome," Katzenberger said about the slightly off-pitch serenade.

The filming of Daniela's upcoming docu-soap season ultimately captured the entire festivity. "Privacy, you know, is spelled with a capital P for us... the camera team was there for the birthday also," she quipped in her Instagram story. Also in attendance was her personal trainer Tobias Wendeler, longtime groomer of the famous TV blonde. Also present was renowned designer Pia Bolte (46), who has repeatedly invited Klein to model her collections.

Iris Klein Raves about Hers Grandchildren

Daniela Katzenberger and her daughter, Sophia (9), previously offered birthday wishes to Iris Klein, who had publicly expressed her love for her family just a week prior. A particularly meaningful gift for Klein? Her grandchildren. One such heartfelt caption alongside a photo of holding one of her youngest grandson's bottle read: "When I think of my grandkids, I'm always crystal clear about what's truly important in life. Thank you for me, [grinning emoji]."

It's assumed that Iris Klein has moved on from the divorce drama with ex-husband Peter Klein, 57. Their separation at the start of 2023 sparked a scandal, with allegations of Peter's infidelity, resulting in bitter recriminations. However, they'd since managed to coexist harmoniously in "Promi Big Brother" in January. Now, Iris has been happily relishing her relationship with new partner Stefan Braun, outwardly expressing his affection on her special day.

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