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Dance instructor reveals 18-year-old Shiloh Jolie-Pitt's true character.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has reached adulthood, yet the public has witnessed very little of the well-known daughter's life. A new insight into her personality has emerged from her choreographer.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt mit ihrer Mutter Angelina Jolie im Oktober 2021
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt mit ihrer Mutter Angelina Jolie im Oktober 2021

Daughter of a celebrity - Dance instructor reveals 18-year-old Shiloh Jolie-Pitt's true character.

In 2021, a series of viral videos showcased Shiloh, daughter of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, showcasing her exceptional dancing skills. These videos made headlines worldwide.

The now 15-year-old Shiloh is dedicated to her craft, training rigorously. Her choreographer, Keelan Carter, recently shared a video of her dance moves, praising her energy in the caption. He also posted a link to a private Instagram account named "sh1lohj," which supposedly belongs to Shiloh and has been active since August 2020.

Privacy seems to be a priority for Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. She rarely attends film premieres of her famous parents. Her personal fashion consists of loose, wide, and light attire, suggesting that she's not fond of being in the limelight. Her dance instructor further confirmed this in an interview with the "Daily Mail," saying, "Shiloh is an outstanding dancer who demonstrates dedication and effort. She's genuine and never exploits her celebrity status."

"US Weekly" reported that Shiloh has formed bonds with fellow dancers, connecting through shared playlists and chatting groups. Her teachers are equally impressed and believe her potential is limitless if she chooses to excel further.

Keelan Carter, Shiloh's dancing teacher, revealed in an interview with "Daily Mail" that he was initially unaware of her parentage. In the dance studio, there's no special treatment for Shiloh, who's now 18. The viral video shared on Instagram was created "just like the ones for any other dancer attending my sessions who merits being seen."

Contrary to popular belief, Brad Pitt, her famous father, doesn't have any dance ability, as Keelan asserted in an interview with "ET." The source of Shiloh's dancing prowess remains a mystery to the trainer. Known as "Shi" to friends and family, Shiloh is also described as a comical, mischievous, and playful individual, as shared by Angelina Jolie in a 2010 interview with "Vanity Fair."

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