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Custody dispute escalates to alleged child abduction - a reconstruction

Christina Block and her ex-husband have been fighting over their two younger children for years. Now they have been abducted from Denmark to Germany. Reconstruction of a custody dispute that has apparently escalated.


Christina Block and her ex-husband - Custody dispute escalates to alleged child abduction - a reconstruction

The new year is just 17 minutes old when the police in southern Jutland in Denmark are alerted to a child abduction. According to the report, a 49-year-old man was attacked by several people in a café in Gråsten, brought to the ground and "subjected to violence", as the police put it. Meanwhile, a boy, aged 10, and a girl, aged 13, are forced into a car before the kidnappers and abductees finally speed off in two cars with German license plates.

The police initiate a manhunt and contact the police in Germany - in vain: the kidnappers escape. It is only about 20 minutes by car from the crime scene north of Flensburg to the German border. Their trail is lost.

The two getaway vehicles were found in Germany by the German police, the Danish police announced on Tuesday afternoon. Apparently the kidnappers and the children changed cars.

On Tuesday evening, it was confirmed what had already made the rounds shortly after the crime: the man who had been attacked was Stephan H., the ex-husband of Christina Block. She in turn is a daughter of Eugen Block, founder of the Block House steakhouse chain. The kidnapping is presumably the culmination of a bitter custody dispute over the two children.

Four children of Christina Block and Stefan H.

Block and H. were married and have four children together. After the divorce in 2018, H. moved to Denmark. Of the older two daughters, one lives with the father in Denmark and one with the mother in Hamburg. The custody dispute revolves around the younger two children. One weekend in August 2021, they visit their father in Denmark - and do not return to Germany.

H. accuses Block of being violent towards the children, which is why the children did not want to return to her in Germany. Block, on the other hand, accuses H. of manipulating the children - and rejects the allegations of violence. In October 2021, the Hamburg Higher Regional Court ruled that the mother had the right to determine the children's place of residence. The father must "hand over" the children.

Denmark defies ruling in custody dispute

But Block cannot enforce this ruling. Denmark is the only EU country that has not signed an agreement on the recognition of foreign decisions in matrimonial matters. Instead, the country reserves the right to examine the facts in its own proceedings - and in this case comes to the conclusion that the children are living with their father voluntarily. The judgment of the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg has no effect.

Probably in her helplessness, Block chooses to go public: she gives interviews to draw attention to her children's case. The new man at her side - sports presenter Gerhard Delling - also speaks publicly about the case: "How can it be that there is a ruling and no one cares that it is implemented?" he told the Hamburger Abendblatt newspaper in February 2023.

The obvious assumption is that Block has now apparently hired people to do what the Danish authorities are not doing: bring the children back to Hamburg.

The children are with her, Christina Block announced via a company spokeswoman on Tuesday evening. "The children are well. I ask for your understanding that I am not making any further statements at this time, primarily out of concern for the welfare of my children," the statement read.

Nevertheless, the last word in this dispute has probably not yet been spoken.

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