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"Broad wave of hate mail and threats": Blogger hires a lawyer

The cabaret artist Monika Gruber has quoted and attacked a previously unknown blogger in her new book. The woman has now hired a lawyer. He criticizes Gruber for ignoring factual information. He has not decided whether the blogger will sue.

Cabaret artist Monika
Cabaret artist Monika

Criticism of Monika Gruber - "Broad wave of hate mail and threats": Blogger hires a lawyer

Roma Maria M., the blogger who was attacked by Monika Gruber in her new book, has hired a lawyer. She is represented by Jan Froehlich from Berlin. In a press release, the lawyer writes that his client's post, which warned that the hobby scene was being infiltrated by right-wing extremist women, was based on reputable sources. His client had attended training courses and referred to information from the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, the Landfrauenrat Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the Lower Saxony State Ministry for Social Affairs. "These writings are not mentioned by Ms. Gruber in the book or in her current interviews. Ms. Gruber does not engage in a factual discussion that includes these publications."

After Monika Gruber's book: "hate mail and threats" against client

MonikaGruber is trying to "inaccurately create the impression that Ms. M. is targeting all DIY enthusiasts and is thus implying that my client wants to label all women who knit as 'right-wing extremists'. Monika Gruber would accuse his client in the book of contributing to "the resurrection of fascism". "This accusation is neither a parody nor even satire," Froehlich continues.

Gruber had speculated in her book that the name Roma Maria M. was wrong. The mention of his client's full name and the insinuation that this name was false had nothing to do with the dispute. Gruber's assumption that M. had specifically chosen a migrant-sounding name to warn against right-wing extremists had led to "a broad wave of hate mail and threats" against his client.

The lawyer leaves open whether and to what extent his client intends to take legal action against Monika Gruber.

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