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Biker: TV star to blame for street brawl

Who was to blame for the brawl between Ian Ziering and a group of rockers? Now two rockers and an ex-colleague are speaking out.

Ian Ziering - Biker: TV star to blame for street brawl

It is still unclear how the violent brawl between ex-"Beverly Hills, 90210" star Ian Ziering (59) and a group of bikers on New Year's Eve came about. While Ziering blamed the bikers in his Instagram statements about the incident and spoke of an "alarming incident", two of the motorcyclists told TMZ that Ziering was clearly responsible. They even speak of the star's "personal problems". Meanwhile, the series star is receiving support from ex-colleague and "bro" Brian Austin Green (50).

Is Ian Ziering telling the truth?

On January 1, the day after the altercation on the street, Ziering spoke out via Instagram. In his statement, he blamed the bikers for the escalation and spoke of an "alarming incident". The confrontation had occurred because a biker had "aggressively hit" his car.

However, interviews with two of the bikers involved in a live broadcast on the celebrity portal "TMZ" on Wednesday put the matter in a completely different light. In their accounts, the bikers, who call themselves "Roy" and "Nocturnal", blame Ziering for the brawl.

"Personal problem" as the reason?

Both say that there were "no physical or verbal altercations" between the group and Ziering before the brawl. According to "Nocturnal", from which one of the videos of the argument circulating on the internet originates, everything happened far too quickly for that. Instead, Ziering gave the impression that he had reacted in such an irascible manner due to "personal problems".

The group had changed lanes completely legally. Ziering touched one of the bikes and jumped out of the car in a rage. The brawl then developed between the group and Ziering - in front of Ziering's twelve-year-old daughter Mia, who was in the car and was unharmed.

Brian Austin Green: "I love you, brother"

Ziering, however, received moral support from his old companion, former "Beverly Hills, 90210" star Brian Austin Green. In his Instagram story, Green praised Ziering for fighting back so bravely against the motorcycle gang: "My boy Ian Ziering got into a fight with five guys on Hollywood Boulevard and beat the hell out of them," said Green. He "did it. Did his thing."

Ziering is a "monster" and apparently "fit as hell," he said. Though Green also clarifies that he "wouldn't suggest anyone fight people," especially "in this climate," the actor notes that luckily for Ziering, "everything turned out fine." "Z, I love you, bro," Green added to his former series co-star. "You're a fucking beast."

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