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Astro TV is being terminated

What could anyone have foreseen?

One of the most prominent faces on the channel is Daniel Kreibich.
One of the most prominent faces on the channel is Daniel Kreibich.

Astro TV is being terminated

Astro TV has darkened our screens for 20 years. It lures people in with prophecies, practical advice, and promises of redemption, while providing amusement for others. However, it's taken quite a toll on their wallets. But this is coming to an end.

To many, Astro TV is like witnessing a car accident - you want to look away, yet somehow you can't. The content displayed is quite disturbing and repulsive, yet it also satisfies our curiosity. It's been broadcasting in Germany since mid-2004 and has gained a significant following, though not without consequences.

The channel has faced criticism from critics, watchdogs, and addiction therapists over the years. They've profited handsomely from their supernatural antics. It's not only the calls to the channel that cost money. They also make a profit selling a variety of products through their own store.

Take, for instance, "two wonderfully harmonizing energy candles" from a "spiritual medium" known from the show that costs a shocking 84 euros. Or an "energy chain" made of simple glass stones for 69.95 euros. The presenters are known to heavily promote these products, which are the cherry on top of their salvation offerings.

Some simply giggle or scrunch their noses in disgust, while others are genuinely intrigued by the promise of enhancing their lives with horoscopes and supernatural practices, divinations, and tarot readings. Some even abandon reason entirely. A sad example can be found in 2007 when a woman incurred around 38,000 euros in phone bills from Astro TV.

Comedians like Oliver Kalkofe and Stefan Raab have often mocked Astro TV. In 2016, the channel was even awarded the "Goldener Aluhut" (Mockery Award) for its questionable practices.

Over the years, the channel has provided a platform for numerous self-proclaimed "mediums" and fortune tellers who've showcased their supposed abilities to viewers. Daniel Kreibich, one of the show's well-known hosts, describes himself as a "star clairvoyant, medium, and life coach." His services include "clairvoyant analyses" for marital and relationship issues, "clairvoyant business consultations," and "supernatural connections." He gained more fame through his participation in "Promi Big Brother" in 2021, but exited the show after one episode.

However, Kreibich and his associates will soon lose a major source of income. Astro TV will cease to exist by the end of the year. As reported by "Bild" and explained by "Digitalfernsehen," the demand for services like Astro TV has been on the decline for years. Additionally, the channel has become harder to access, as seen in cable network changes. Even so, Astro TV's operations are expected to continue - but no longer on television but online.

Daniel Kreibich took part in

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Despite its controversial reputation, Astro TV has been a staple in German entertainment for over a decade, often making headlines for its unique blend of astrology and entertainment. Following the news of Astro TV's impending shutdown, many viewers may find themselves missing the channel, as its predictive programming and eccentric personalities have become a source of both intrigue and amusement on German TV.




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