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Actress Judi Dench suggests nearing retirement.

Unable to make out anything visible.

So gut wie blind: Judi Dench.
So gut wie blind: Judi Dench.

Actress Judi Dench suggests nearing retirement.

Throughout her impressive career, Judi Dench has graced the big screen in numerous iconic films. However, it appears her time in front of the camera may be coming to an end as the esteemed British actress, at 89 years old, has been dealing with an incurable and progressive disease for over a decade.

As recently as last year, despite her vision struggles, Dench expressed no thoughts of retiring from acting. But now, according to reports from "The Mirror," things seem different. When asked if she would return to film-making at the Chelsea Flower Show, she allegedly responded, "No, no, I can't even see anything." Her representatives chose not to elaborate further on this matter, merely stating, "Judi has nothing more to add than what she said to the journalist."

Judi Dench's most recent film role was in "Spirited," released in 2022. A comedic take on Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" starring Will Ferrell, her part was relatively minor. Her last significant appearance was in "Belfast," a 2021 release by Kenneth Branagh that earned her her eighth Oscar nomination for her supporting role. As listed on IMDb, she doesn't have any upcoming film projects scheduled.

A Janus-Faced Disease

In 2012, Judi Dench publicly disclosed her diagnosis of progressive macular degeneration - an age-related, non-reversible eye condition causing vision loss in the central region.

"I can't see anything on a film set," she shared with "The Mirror" in 2023. Besides being unable to read scripts, she candidly admitted, "But you have to come to terms with it. Keep going" was her mantra. Recent events suggest a shift in that approach.

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