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Actor Roger Bart expressed concern over potential career decline.

Roger Bart reminisces about his time on "Desperate Housewives" with a smile and a slight tear.

Roger Bart spiele in "Desperate Housewives" den irren Apotheker George Williams.
Roger Bart spiele in "Desperate Housewives" den irren Apotheker George Williams.

Due to the popularity of "Desperate Housewives." - Actor Roger Bart expressed concern over potential career decline.

Twisted character, wild success: Roger Bart’s time on Desperate Housewives.

Starring in the psychotic murderer role of George Williams, actor Roger Bart (61) once thought that playing a serial stalker on "Desperate Housewives" could ruin his career. Reflecting on his beloved role, the star opens up about his fears and the unexpected attention that came with it.

"It was utterly insane," shared Bart with "People" magazine. After becoming the lover of Bree Van de Kamp (62) by poisoning her husband, he started to worry about his future acting prospects. One of his favorite — and frightening — moments in the series was the filming of his character's death scene. "I asked the director, 'Do you think I'll ever work again?' Because I realized at the airport that it was striking a chord," Bart recollected. With 23 million people tuning in every Sunday at 9:00 pm, the ill-fated pharmacist made quite a mark.

A role that started as an innocent pharmacist

At the beginning, Bart didn’t realize the potential of his character: "I had no idea it would blow up into this. I filmed my first scenes thinking I was just some kind of drugstore owner. Then, series creator Mark Cherry came into our trailer park and said, 'Do you want to know what we planned for the character?'. I said, 'Sure, as long as it doesn't bother me,' and he replied, 'Ok, then you'll be a psychotic stalker.' So I thought, 'Alright, that's pretty cool'."

The scandalous character held no disappointment for him. He found himself in absurd places and was recognized worldwide as the villain. "I've been to some crazy places, but this show is the one where someone jumping off a bridge would ask, 'Are you that guy?'. It's wild to have been part of it."

Bart tells a story from "The View," when he was asked, "Are you dead?" after the show ended. He repleid, "Yes, I am." The funny moment was the only reason he even was on the show.

Playing the mens of Desperate Housewives: a farce?

With talk of a resurrection of the popular series, does Bart see himself reprising his dark stage? "I get the feeling that the ladies would like to do it." But he hopes the title won't be "The Men of Desperate Housewives: The Series." "Because that would just be a joke." Unsure whether the concept will see the light of day, Bart expressed, "I don't really know, to be honest."

Bart starred in "Desperate Housewives" from 2005 to 2012. The ABC Studio production ran from October 2004 to May 2012, spanning eight seasons. After his time on the show, he continued acting in TV series and is a successful musical performer. Now, he's nominated for the Tony Awards 2024 for his role in "Back to the Future: The Musical," to be presented in New York City on June 16.

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