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A year between love and challenges

Ariana Grande looks back on the last twelve months. She talks about a transformative year full of challenges and love.

Ariana Grande is "so infinitely grateful for all the feelings I was able to feel so
Ariana Grande is "so infinitely grateful for all the feelings I was able to feel so extensively this year"

Ariana Grande - A year between love and challenges

Ariana Grande (30) recently hinted on Instagram that a new album will be released in 2024. Now the singer and actress looks back on the past year and explains that she has had some challenging months, but also some very special ones.

Ariana Grande had "many beautiful yet polarizing feelings"

In an Instagram story,Grande describes 2023 as "one of the most transformative, challenging, but also happiest and most special years" of her life. "There were so many beautiful and yet polarizing feelings," writes the 30-year-old, who has been a topic of conversation in recent weeks and months, especially with an alleged new love affair.

According to US media reports, she has been in a relationship with her "Wicked" colleague Ethan Slater (31) since the summer, whom she met while filming the musical movie. It had previously become known that Grande had separated from her spouse Dalton Gomez (28) at the beginning of the year. According to consistent reports, including the US magazine "People", the two were finally able to reach an agreement in their divorce in October - just over two years after the wedding. According to the US celebrity portal "TMZ", Grande and Slater are now said to be living together in New York City. They are said to each still have their own apartment, but spend almost every free minute together.

Ariana Grande is infinitely grateful for this

"I've never felt so much pride, joy or love, while at the same time feeling deeply misunderstood by people who don't know me [...]," Grande continues. But she has also "learned how much more important one is than the other".

"I've never felt so held or so protected by those who love and understand me (friends, family and fans alike)," she also explains. She feels "safe, even in the midst of so many things I would normally be afraid of".

Grande is also "so immensely grateful for all the emotions I've been able to feel so extensively this year", be it "the unfathomably hard ones" or "the incredibly happy ones". She feels "more human than ever before. [...] I feel softer and stronger, all at once."

The singer wished all her fans a "very happy, healthy new year". Anyone who feels misunderstood or alone should remember "that this will pass and you are not alone".

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