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A path in Hamburg is named in his honor.

The Karl Lagerfeld Walkway has been dedicated in Hamburg, commemorating one of the city's notable figures.

Karl Lagerfeld was born in Hamburg in 1933.
Karl Lagerfeld was born in Hamburg in 1933.

Known fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld - A path in Hamburg is named in his honor.

Legendary fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, who passed away in 2019, left a lasting mark on his hometown of Hamburg, Germany. To honor his memory and achievements, the city has officially named a street after him - the Karl-Lagerfeld-Promenade. Measuring 155 meters long, this footpath is strategically positioned near the Chanel boutique, which was a frequent stop for the iconic fashion designer. It also borders the famous Neuer Wall.

Intentional Choice of Location

The decision to place the Karl-Lagerfeld-Promenade in this spot wasn't random. "The Chanel boutique borders the promenade, making it a significant landmark for our city. Not to mention that his personal haven, the bookstore Felix Jud, is just a stone's throw away on the same promenade," explained Hamburg's Cultural Senator Carsten Brosda to NDR.

Karl Lagerfeld, a Hamburg native, came into the world as the son of a condensed milk factory owner. He spent his formative years in Schleswig-Holstein before being sent to study in Paris, France. This move proved to be transformative, leading him to find success in the competitive world of fashion. As Creative Director for the globally renowned brand Chanel, he significantly impacted the international fashion scene.

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