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A candidate's funds drop to zero for the initial time since 2021.

"Can You Be a Millionaire?" participant Stefan Severin faltered as early as the 500-euro inquiry. Despite Günther Jauch's best efforts, the 25-year-old was prematurely sent off the program.

"Wer wird Millionär?": Stefan Severin scheitert an der 500-Euro-Frage
"Wer wird Millionär?": Stefan Severin scheitert an der 500-Euro-Frage

"What person desires to have a fortune?" - A candidate's funds drop to zero for the initial time since 2021.

In typical "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" fashion, contestants occasionally find themselves in a tight spot during the early rounds. With excitement often leading to incorrect answers, getting knocked down to zero euros isn't unheard of. But recently, for the first time in a while, a contestant had this exact experience on Günther Jauch's couch.

Opening Round: A Contestant's Fate Takes a Turn

25-year-old Stefan Severin took his place facing Jauch. He got off to a decent start, answering the initial questions correctly. However, his downward spiral began when he couldn't respond correctly to the €500 question. "Characterize the colloquial 'sunshine,' which means everyone's happy and satisfied? A: arrogant, B: flirtatious, C: affected, or D: self-satisfied?" the host asked. Despite his uncertainty, Severin opted for option B, claiming that "flirtatious" conveys something beautiful or good.

Jauch attempted to redirect the candidate, "We all have our biases. But whether that's right is the question." Undeterred, Severin maintained his choice, "I'd lean more towards B, as flirtatious refers to something nice or better than usual. I'm just a bit shaky."

50-50 Joker to the Rescue... or Rather, Not

To help clear up the confusion, Jauch invoked the 50-50 joker, leaving him with only two potential answers: "arrogant" and "affected." Severin, fully committed to option C, made his decision. With a final "affected," he effectively ended his run on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"

On a side note, there's a "Nuller-Special" event when five to six candidates gather and have all fallen to zero euros. Jauch asked if he might be able to keep the streak going, "I can see the last zero was in 2021. Now you're the only one left. Can you hold on for a bit longer?"

Read also:

Despite his initial success, Stefan Severin's confidence waned when he encountered the "Vain sunshine" question, leading him to incorrectly choose "flirtatious." This mistake, coupled with his reluctance to change his answer despite the host's guidance and the use of the 50-50 joker, resulted in his elimination from "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" a show Günther Jauch has hosted since 2021, marking the first contestant to reach zero euros in quite some time.


