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16 females claim to be victims of David Copperfield's harassment.

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David Copperfield denies all allegations.
David Copperfield denies all allegations.

16 females claim to be victims of David Copperfield's harassment.

In January, the famous magician David Copperfield found himself at the center of a scandal when reports emerged linking him to the well-known sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Now, over a dozen women are accusing him of sexually assaulting them. However, Copperfield himself claims to have no recollection of any wrongdoing.

The report, which was published by The Guardian, states that at least 16 women have come forward with accusations against David Copperfield. These accusations span a period of four decades, from the late 1980s to 2014. Copperfield allegedly used his connections in the entertainment and modeling industries to proposition the women, even promising to help advance their careers. Some of the women claim they were underage (below the age of 18) when these incidents occurred.

David Copperfield was previously accused of sexual misconduct in 2018, when a woman named Brittney Lewis came forward with claims that he had drugged and assaulted her three decades ago. Copperfield has denied these allegations, and Lewis is one of the 16 women featured in The Guardian's report. Two other women have also accused the magician of drugging them as well.

Copperfield's legal team has responded to the claims, stating that he adamantly denies any wrongdoing and has "never acted inappropriately with anyone, let alone a minor." They added that no complaints were ever made against Copperfield at the time the alleged assaults occurred.

On-stage groping allegations

The report goes on to detail several other alleged incidents, four of which involve Copperfield groping women while on stage. In some instances, witnesses were present. Three of these women were minors at the time, according to The Guardian.

One woman, speaking under a pseudonym, recounted meeting Copperfield after one of his shows when she was only 15 years old. Later, when she turned 18, the two had consensual sex, she claimed in the magazine.

Copperfield's legal team did not deny the magician's relationship with the teenager, but told The Guardian that it was "perfectly legal and consensual." They also emphasized that the magician "strongly denies any suggestion of grooming or other inappropriate behavior."

Copperfield has been under criticism for his association with the late Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex offender who died in prison in 2019. Copperfield's name appeared in court documents connected to Epstein, which were unsealed in January - but this does not necessarily mean he committed a crime.

According to The Guardian, Copperfield's lawyers said, "Our client knew nothing of Epstein's horrific crimes. Like the rest of the world, he learned about it from the press."

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