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Jurgen Klopp a clairement rejeté le poste en Angleterre.

Jurgen Klopp a clairement rejeté le poste en Angleterre.

Drôle et autodérisoire : Jürgen Klopp divertit lors du congrès des entraîneurs à Würzburg. Il se montre réticent à parler du football anglais aux Euros, craignant la presse britannique, mais il est plus que disposé à discuter de l'entraîneur allemand, Julian Nagelsmann.

Après son discours spirituel, Jürgen Klopp a même taquiné le FC Bayern. Lorsque le particulier en short et chemise déboutonnée a écarté toute possibilité de devenir entraîneur de l'équipe nationale anglaise, il a demandé en plaisantant son avocat lorsqu'on lui a demandé un rôle chez les champions allemands en titre. "J'ai déjà entraîné les meilleurs clubs du monde. Cela ne signifie pas que je vais recevoir une autre offre de Bayern", a déclaré le quinquagénaire, sous les rires des quelque 1000 participants au Congrès international des entraîneurs à Würzburg. Il a ri de bon cœur.

Klopp, sourire aux lèvres, incarnait l'image d'un homme complètement détendu qui, après près de neuf ans à la grande FC Liverpool, n'a pas besoin d'un nouvel emploi d'entraîneur pour le moment. Pour l'après son année sabbatique, il a annoncé : "Je vais faire quelque chose. Je suis trop jeune pour jouer simplement au Padel tennis et passer du temps avec mes petits-enfants. Si c'est pour entraîner à nouveau ? Je dirais que c'est peu probable pour le moment."

La vie sans terrain d'entraînement et engagements programmés semble bonne et libératrice pour Klopp. "Je fais beaucoup de sport. Je passe beaucoup de temps avec ma famille et mes petits-enfants. La plus grande différence, c'est que maintenant je suis à 100% présent. Si j'avais un travail, je serais agité, attendant que mon téléphone sonne - probablement parce que le médecin de l'équipe appelle", a déclaré Klopp.

Klopp, l'Étoile Among the Trainers

La pause de Klopp vient à peine de commencer. "Je n'ai même pas encore commencé à planifier correctement mes vacances", a révélé l'entraîneur. During the lively Q&A session that lasted over 60 minutes, Klopp lined up jokes one after another. As the star trainer entered the festive hall to conclude the three-day congress, rows of trainers held up their phones to take photos and videos. Klopp hasn't given an interview in three months, so that's likely to continue for now.

From the podium, where Klopp sat with a tanned complexion and crossed legs, the guest of honor doled out greetings and messages in all directions. His opening statement, "I don't create headlines on purpose," didn't have much of an impact in the intimate setting among trainers who listened almost reverently and often amused.

Klopp called himself the "record silver medal holder" in Champions League finals and firmly declined a potential job as England's national coach. When asked what kind of offers his agent, Marc Kosicke, was currently forwarding to him, Klopp replied: "Nothing. Nothing job-wise. No club, no country. Some people must not have heard that." And the Three Lions? "That would be the biggest face-loss in football history if I said I'd make an exception for you."

Enthusiastic About Julian Nagelsmann

Klopp even talked about the 2026 World Cup, but not about how he would lead a team from the sidelines in the USA, Mexico, and Canada. Instead, he spoke about how he sees himself as a fan of the German team under coach Julian Nagelsmann. "I loved how Julian said we'll be world champions in two years. I jumped out of my seat and said, 'We'll be world champions in two years, and I'll be watching!'" said Klopp.

For England, who are seeking a successor to Gareth Southgate after finishing as runners-up in the Euros, Klopp had no such praise. "No comment on England, as the press is here," he said, humorously pointing to the "Daily Mail," which he assumed had also made the long journey to Franconia. Ironically, he then added about the largely lackluster performances of Harry Kane and his teammates: "They've done a fantastic job." After a panel discussion with colleagues like Belgium's national coach Domenico Tedesco and his close friend David Wagner, the much-applauded star guest wanted to head to the airport. Klopp is on vacation.

Despite his humorous refusal to consider coaching England or Bayern Munich, Klopp expressed his enthusiasm for Germany's coach, Julian Nagelsmann, predicting they'll become world champions within two years. During the congress, the attendees showed their admiration for the charismatic coach by taking photos and videos of him.

During the Q&A session, Klopp spoke about enjoying his break from coaching, doing sports, spending time with his family, and being 100% present without scheduled commitments. He also joked about being the "record silver medal holder" in Champions League finals and declined an offer as England's national coach.

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