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En quatrième de finale, Zverev avance sans heurts à l'US Open.

Au Open américain, les rivalités entre les 16 meilleurs pour Alexander Zverev rencontrent généralement des défis uniquement dans le premier set. Une fois de plus, il affronte un adversaire avec un avantage duUBLICain.

- En quatrième de finale, Zverev avance sans heurts à l'US Open.

Avec le public en délire, Alexander Zverev a pris la parole après sa victoire sans encombre en huitièmes de finale de l'US Open. Révélant son ambition de remporter son premier trophée du Grand Chelem, Zverev a exprimé son excitation. Pour la quatrième fois consécutive, le champion olympique de tennis de cette année a atteint les huitièmes de finale de l'US Open, en dominant l'Américain Brandon Nakashima 3-6, 6-1, 6-2, 6-2.

Confronté initialement à une chaleur étouffante de 28 degrés et à une forte humidité, Zverev a rencontré quelques difficultés lors du premier set face au outsider. Malgré ces obstacles, il a réussi à obtenir son premier point match après un combat de 2 heures et 36 minutes, marquant ainsi sa 450ème victoire sur le ATP Tour.

Prêt à continuer, Zverev a déclaré avec optimisme : "J'ai commencé de manière un peu défensive pendant le match. Je suis heureux d'avoir remporté cette victoire. Je fais tout ce qui est en mon pouvoir, je vise le meilleur, j'espère que ça arrivera un jour pendant ma carrière."

despite a minor hamstring twist and a brief limp at 3-1 in the fourth set, Zverev managed to defeat Nakashima without incurring any significant injury or hindrance.

In the upcoming quarterfinals, Zverev will face American Taylor Fritz for the second time this season, having previously lost to him in the Wimbledon round of 16. Triumphantly, Fritz eliminated eighth-seeded Norwegian Casper Ruud 3-6, 6-4, 6-3, 6-2, making his way to the New York quarterfinals for the second time.

Though Zverev holds a 5-4 advantage in their past matches, the American notably snatched victory in their recent encounter at Wimbledon, where he erased a two-set deficit to emerge triumphant. "Il y a toujours un va-et-vient constant entre nous", a déclaré le joueur de 26 ans au sujet de ses affrontements sportifs avec Zverev. "Nous avons des matchs serrés. Le résultat peut basculer d'un côté ou de l'autre, souvent en fonction de notre service."

Zverev's dominating serve

In the round of 16, Zverev started with a string of commanding service games until once he faltered at 3-4, conceding the first break after a series of botched backhand shots and a double fault. Frustrated, Zverev angrily directed his displeasure towards his entourage in the stands.

The contingent was reinvigorated by the spirited "Let's Go, Brandon" chants from the audience, who rallied behind the American. Following a 45-minute struggle, Nakashima clinched the first set and continued to energize the crowd.

Maintaining a steady pace, Zverev executed a between-the-legs shot to delight the crowd at the onset of the second set, but the contest remained in equilibrium with numerous errors. Leveraging an errant backhand from his opponent, Zverev seized a 2-0 lead.

Post the first set, Nakashima began to falter, while Zverev displayed renewed confidence, just as he had in the third round against Argentine Tomás Martín Etcheverry. He assumed command, outmaneuvering Nakashima's challenges with precise passing shots.

A novice pair of shoes claimed by his father and coach, Alexander Zverev Sr., revitalized Zverev after the second set. Steadfastly, he stumped Nakashima's attempts to counteract his powerful baseline game.

As the fourth set commenced, the 23-year-old American showed flashes of resilience, yet any resistance was promptly shattered at the mercy of a break at 1-2. With unwavering self-assurance, Zverev continued his dominance, finally securing his well-deserved victory.

After his victorious performance at the US Open, Zverev expressed his aspirations of winning his first Grand Slam trophy at Wimbledon next year. Despite facing tough competition, Zverev is optimistic about his chances, citing their close encounters and the unpredictable nature of their matches.

Facing Taylor Fritz in the quarterfinals of Wimbledon, Zverev reflected on their past matches, particularly their historic encounter where Fritz erased a two-set deficit to emerge victorious. With a 5-4 advantage in their past encounters, the outcome between these two top players is always uncertain.

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