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Your last time at RTL Aktuell

Peter Kloeppel and Ulrike von der Groeben lead the news broadcast "RTL Aktuell" for the last time at the end of August.

They were a team for more than three decades: Peter Kloeppel and Ulrike von der Groeben.
They were a team for more than three decades: Peter Kloeppel and Ulrike von der Groeben.

Peter Kloeppel and Ulrike von der Groeben - Your last time at RTL Aktuell

After more than 30 years, it's the end of August. On August 23rd, Peter Kloeppel (65) and Ulrike von der Groeben (67) will appear together for the last time in front of the camera for the news program "RTL Aktuell". The day before, on August 22nd, the broadcaster will air a "stern TV" special with the long-standing moderation duo, hosted by Mareile Hoepper (47).

Peter Kloeppel stays in TV

For Kloeppel, it's not a final goodbye to TV. "I occasionally enjoy doing projects like 'Durchleuchtet'," he told the "stern" magazine in March. He will also remain with RTL for another show: On November 5th, he will serve as co-moderator for reporting on the US presidential elections in the evening program. "I know that I will be here in Cologne on that election night and will stand beside our two new anchorwomen and anchormen," he told "Antenne Bayern" at the end of July in an interview.

Two teams take over

RTL is betting on a four-person team for the succession of Kloeppel and von der Groeben: The teams of Roberta Bieling (49) and Andreas von Thien (57) and Christopher Wittich (41) and Anna Fleischhauer (37) will alternate to each lead the show from Monday to Sunday.

Peter Kloeppel and Ulrike von der Groeben announced their upcoming departure from the news program in March 2024. Kloeppel has been the chief moderator of "RTL Aktuell" since 1992. Von der Groeben became a sports moderator in the RTL main news in 1989. Together, they moderated over 4,500 joint shows in more than 30 years.

  1. In the stern TV special on August 22nd, Mareile Höppner will be hosting a farewell program for Peter Kloeppel and Ulrike von der Groeben, who will both be leaving the news program RTL Aktuell after more than 30 years.
  2. During the special broadcast, viewers will see Peter Kloeppel and Ulrike von der Groeben together in front of the camera for the last time, as they prepare to say their goodbyes to the world of news broadcasting.
  3. On August 23rd, following the special broadcast, RTL Current will air one final joint show with Kloeppel and von der Groeben, marking the end of an era for the popular news program.
  4. As Kloeppel and von der Groeben step down, the right-to-left format of RTL Aktuell will undergo a shift, with two new teams taking over the reigns from November 2022: Roberta Bieling and Andreas von Thien, and Christopher Wittich and Anna Fleischhauer.
  5. Despite his departure from the news program, Peter Kloeppel will continue his involvement in the media industry, as he has announced plans to co-moderate reporting on the US presidential elections in November 2022 for RTL, marking a new chapter in his long and successful career in television.

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