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Your baby grumbles in the family photo

Grumpy alarm instead of stiff harmony: Swedish Prince and Princess Carl Philip and Sofia greet each other with an unposed vacation snapshot.

Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip have been married since June 2015 and have three children.
Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip have been married since June 2015 and have three children.

Carl Philip and Sofia of Sweden - Your baby grumbles in the family photo

Prince Carl Philip (45) of Sweden and his wife Princess Sofia (39) surprise with a new family photo. In relaxed summer outfits, they pose happily with their three sons. Only one wears a bib: infant Prince Julian (3). This could potentially dethrone his cousin Prince Oscar (8) as the mini-royal. So far, the son of Crown Princess Victoria (46) has been known for his often grumpy facial expressions during public appearances, earning him the nickname "Grumpy Prince."

Unfiltered Vacation Snapshot

"Wishing you all a beautiful summer!", writes the pair on their Instagram account for the private snapshot. The family, consisting of Julian, Prince Alexander (8), and Prince Gabriel (7), seem to be already enjoying the summer season: They are sitting on the picture on a wooden bench in front of a cabin, all wearing short pants and airy T-shirts. While the older boys are smiling coquettishly at the camera, the youngest doesn't seem too enthusiastic about the shooting. Sitting on his mother's lap, he pouts in frustration. Just like with small children.

For Carl Philip and Sofia, however, there seems to be no reason not to publish the image. With this, they join the ranks of modern noble families, whose offspring are allowed to openly display their feelings. In recent years, Julian's cousin Prince Oscar has been observed at events numerous times, not particularly enthusiastic about participating or being photographed. This quickly earned him the title "Grumpy Prince" in the media. And in Great Britain, it's the youngest of Crown Prince William (42) and Kate (42), Prince Louis (6), who frequently pulls faces, makes wild gestures, or shows his displeasure through hearty yawning, indicating that an event is too long and boring for him.

  1. Prince and Princess Sofia of Sweden shared a vacation snapshot on their Instagram, showcasing their three sons, including Prince Gabriel and Prince Alexander.
  2. The family photo, featuring Prince Carl Philip, showcased the boys in relaxed summer outfits, with infant Prince Julian wearing a bib.
  3. Prince Julian's bib in the family photo could potentially dethrone his cousin Prince Oscar as the 'mini-royal' known for his grumpy expressions.
  4. The 'grumpy' nickname for Prince Oscar stems from his often-grumpy facial expressions during public appearances, making him fondly known as the 'Grumpy Prince.'
  5. In the vacation snapshot, Julian, Oscar, and Alexander are seen sitting on a wooden bench in front of a cabin, with Julian not seeming too enthusiastic about the shooting.
  6. Carl Philip and Sofia of Sweden's decision to publish the unfiltered image is in line with modern noble families, who allow their offspring to openly display their feelings.
  7. Prince Louis in Great Britain, the youngest of Prince William and Kate's children, also often displays his displeasure during events, indicating he finds them long and boring.

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