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make a travel claim - You get money back for vacation shortages

The Germans are known for being meticulous complainers, especially during vacations. They criticize their accommodation, demand better rooms or price reductions. Upon their return, some even try to claim part of their travel expenses back through legal means if their vacation joy was spoiled by poor food or construction noise. However, a crawling cockroach in the bathroom is not the same as a travel defect that justifies premature packing.

Travel complaints: always in writing

In general, the travel agency or travel website cannot be held responsible, but only the organizer. Local issues should be addressed with the hotel manager first. If the accommodation does not meet the description in the travel prospectus, for example, missing advertised sports facilities, these should be reported immediately.

In the case of a package tour, the local tour guide should be the first point of contact. He must be given the opportunity to provide a remedy. The customer ensures the right to a price reduction, cancellation, or damage compensation.

German jurisdiction even requires the traveler to document their complaints with photos and written statements from fellow travelers. Therefore, it is recommended to have the receipt of the reclamation letters signed by the tour guide.

Frankfurt Table

If efforts were unsuccessful, the traveler has four weeks after their return to file claim demands - by registered mail with receipt - for refunds. Since the trip was paid for in advance, lawyers usually argue about the refund amount.

In legal practice, the "Frankfurt Table" has proven to be a guideline: missing or dirty swimming pool with promise: 10-20%; inadequate menu: 5%; noise during the day: 5-25%.

Also read:

- Travel allowance: Not everything on one card

- Empty buffet and incorrect cabin: How to claim cruise ship vacations correctly

- From Kamasutra to coma-inducing: How hotel guests rate animation programs

During an all-inclusive holiday, understanding travel law is crucial. If the promised amenities like sports facilities are missing or not functioning, it's important to document and report these issues promptly to avoid any disputes upon return. The economy plays a role here as well, as the Frankfurt Table prescribes potential refund amounts depending on the severity of the issue, such as a dirty swimming pool or inadequate food.

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