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Why shouldn't he come?

Prince Louis is a true highlight for many royal fans. Why was the Mini-Royal missing from Wimbledon and the EURO Final?

No Wimbledon, no EU Final: Why wasn't Prince Louis allowed to the sports events?
No Wimbledon, no EU Final: Why wasn't Prince Louis allowed to the sports events?

Prince Louis was missing at Wimbledon and EM - Why shouldn't he come?

It was a particularly sporty weekend for the Prince and Princess of Wales: On Sunday afternoon (14th July), Kate (42) visited the men's final of Wimbledon together with daughter Princess Charlotte (9). In the evening, Prince William (42) and son Prince George (10) pressed the thumbs up for the English football national team against Spain in the EM-Final at the Berlin Olympic Stadium. However, a member of the heirline was missing at both major sporting events: Prince Louis (6), the youngest child of Kate and William.

Royal-Fans demand "Justice for Prince Louis"

Due to his mischievous and witty behavior at various royal events, the six-year-old Louis has become a real fan favorite in recent years. When he's missing from an event, it's noticed. So it's no surprise that he was missing from two of the biggest sporting events of the year. Royal-Fans are now jokingly demanding "Justice for Prince Louis". A user noted that he was already missing from the Taylor-Swift concert in London, while his siblings were there with Father William.

An X-User shared a video of a Boy, who dances wildly in a living room and wrote: "Princess Charlotte: at the Wimbledon Final, Prinz George: at the EM-Final, Prinz Louis: home alone." A user wrote: "Prince Louis makes me sad. Charlotte is with her mother at Wimbledon, George at the EM-Final with his father and Louis, the family's personality, is at home with someone."

Why was Prince Louis absent?

His last public appearance was at "Trooping the Colour", the annual birthday parade for King Charles III (75) in mid-June on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

Princess Kate revealed in 2023 that it had made Prince Louis "very sad" that he missed the Wimbledon men's final. At that time, Kate and William were sitting in the Royal Box with Charlotte and George. It's unclear why the little royal also couldn't come to the tennis tournament this time. A possible reason: For Kate, it is only her second public appearance of the year 2024, the Princess of Wales had announced in March that she had been diagnosed with cancer. The EM-Final in Berlin took place at 9 pm, which might be a bit late for the six-year-old Louis - even though he has been on summer vacation for a week already.

  1. Despite being a fan favorite due to his mischievous behavior, Prince Louis was missing from the major sporting events of the year, including Wimbledon and the EM-Final in Berlin.
  2. Royal-Fans jokingly demanded "Justice for Prince Louis," as his absence from these events was noticeable, given his popularity.
  3. An X-User shared a video of a boy dancing wildly at home, with the caption, "Princess Charlotte: at the Wimbledon Final, Prince George: at the EM-Final, Prince Louis: home alone."
  4. One user expressed sadness, noting that while Princess Charlotte was with her mother at Wimbledon and Prince George was with his father at the EM-Final, Prince Louis was at home.
  5. According to Princess Catherine, Prince Louis had felt sad about missing the Wimbledon men's final, where she and Prince George were present with Charlotte.
  6. The reason for Prince Louis' absence from the tennis tournament this time is unclear, but it might have been due to the fact that Princess Kate's second public appearance of the year 2024 was the EM-Final in Berlin, which took place at 9 pm.
  7. Despite being on summer vacation, it's possible that the late start time might have been too late for the six-year-old Prince Louis.
  8. The absence of Prince Louis at Wimbledon and the EM-Final in Berlin left a noticeable gap, as he is often a source of entertainment and joy for the royal family and fans.

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