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Who came out on top in the ratings?

The TV year 2024 started with the traditional competition between "Tatort" and "Traumschiff". Who came out on top this time?

"Tatort: Was bleibt" versus "Das Traumschiff. Nusantara" - who came out on top in the ratings?
"Tatort: Was bleibt" versus "Das Traumschiff. Nusantara" - who came out on top in the ratings?

"Tatort" vs. "Traumschiff" - Who came out on top in the ratings?

Traditionally, the TV year starts with the big primetime battle between"Tatort" and "Traumschiff". This time, broadcasters das Erste and ZDF sent the films "Tatort: Was bleibt" and "Das Traumschiff. Nusantara" into the race for viewers' favor. The day after the broadcast, the winner has now been decided. The crime thriller came out on top in the ratings.

An average of 7.26 million viewers tuned in to Franziska Weisz's (43) farewell case as the detective in the Falke crime series, which corresponded to a market share of 23.7 percent according to AGF Videoforschung in cooperation with GfK. The new film from the long-running travel series - this time with Amira (31) and Oliver Pocher (45) as guest stars - attracted an average of 5.46 million viewers. The market share was 17.8 percent. Around 780,000 more viewers tuned in to "Nusantara" than to the "Utah" edition on Boxing Day.

Ratings have recovered

After the poor ratings of the two broadcaster flagships on Boxing Day 2023 - traditionally a "Tatort" versus a"Traumschiff" on this day as well - many more viewers generally tuned in again on New Year's Day 2024. The episode of "Tatort: Kontrollverlust" from Frankfurt am Main was watched by 5.04 million viewers, while only 4.68 million wanted to see the trip to the USA.

A special feature this year is a third major player in the primetime competition on January 1. The start of the "3 Million Euro Week" of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" was also successful. The broadcast gave RTL and presenter Günther Jauch (67) a market share of 13.1 percent with an audience of 3.07 million viewers.

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