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Warm birthday greetings for the monarch

Queen Camilla celebrates her 77th birthday. The palace sends warm greetings. There is an important appointment scheduled for the day.

Queen Camilla celebrates her 77th birthday.
Queen Camilla celebrates her 77th birthday.

Queen Camilla - Warm birthday greetings for the monarch

"Your Majesty, the Queen, we wish you all the best on this birthday", reads a message on the British royal family's Instagram story in honor of Queen Camilla's 77th birthday today (17th July). The shining queen consort of King Charles III. (75) is seen exchanging greetings with Royal fans in a olive green dress.

Important political event upcoming

The fact that the birthday greeting appears so early in the day on the platform could be linked to the fact that an important political event is taking place: the official opening of the session of the British Parliament by the King.

The royal couple will travel in a carriage from Buckingham Palace to the event at the House of Lords, where Charles will deliver the second speech of his reign ("King's Speech") in ceremonial attire and with the State Crown on his head. In it, he will present the legislative program of the first left-wing government Britain has seen in 14 years.

The formal opening of Parliament is one of the traditional highlights of the political year, where the development of Britain from an absolute monarchy to a parliamentary democracy, in which the elected House of Commons holds the real power, is meticulously choreographed.

Exciting days for Camilla and Charles with consequences

King Charles and Queen Camilla had just completed a two-day visit to the Channel Islands. On the first day on Jersey, a security alarm caused a scare. The security team suddenly had the British royal couple rushed from an event to a hotel. However, it turned out to be a false alarm, and the Royals returned to their duties after about 20 minutes.

A day later, Guernsey was on the agenda. There, the pair made headlines with the next incident. Queen Camilla suddenly wore a bandage on her right ankle. Helpers told the "Daily Mail" that she had suffered a "light ankle sprain" on the neighboring Jersey the previous day.

Therefore, Camilla could decide to take the lift, as Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) did lastly, to the parliamentary term instead of the royal stairs.

  1. King Charles III's Instagram account shared birthday greetings for Queen Camilla, acknowledging her 77th birthday on July 17.
  2. Despite an early posting time, the birthday greeting message on Instagram could be related to an upcoming important political event, the official opening of the British Parliament by King Charles III.
  3. On this occasion, King Charles will deliver his second speech of his reign, known as the "King's Speech," presenting the legislative program of the first left-wing government the United Kingdom has seen in 14 years.
  4. Queen Camilla and King Charles recently completed a trip to the Channel Islands, where they experienced a security scare and an ankle injury that may affect her attendance at the Parliament opening.
  5. Queen Camilla may opt to use the lift instead of the royal stairs to attend the Parliament opening, following in the footsteps of late Queen Elizabeth II's decision to do the same in her later years.

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